Foreigners taking our jobs?

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by Kyt, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

  2. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    And perhaps the locals see the job as beneath them?
  3. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    Kyt is more qualified to comment than I, but I am not sure that it is as simple as being either too lazy or the work too demeaning. I suspect you are both playing "Devil's advocate".

    I have only watched two of the programmes in this series but each of those has tried to investigate the effect of a sudden influx of people in an intelligent and balanced way.

    Sadly it is always an emotive issue and it worries me that the lack of reasoned debate and failure to address the issues will result in fragmentation and widening unrest.

    As a Londoner, my life has been enriched by the diversity of backgrounds of my neighbours. I am more than happy to provide safe haven to those at risk elsewhere in the world. I am however also realistic enough to accept that we are an island and that, with the exception of asylum seekers, it is more sensible to manage immigration rather than be overwhelmed by it. Mass migration is not a new phenomenon but surely we should be considering some of the lessons learned from the past.

    There are criteria which I exercise to either welcome or discourage people from entering my home. Why do similar yardsticks not apply to my country? If they are in place, I have difficulty in understanding their application because we appear on occasion, not to exercise our discretion in allowing in (or not deporting) undesirables, yet seem to be more than happy to put some individuals on planes when they are still at genuine risk or when they are contributing to, and fully integrated into, our society.

    On a "glass half full" day I can convince myself that the end result will be that populations will simply keep shifting around the world filling the voids created by the emigrants, but on the "glass half empty" days ........ I'm glad that I won't be here to see the results and feel genuine regret that on our watch we didn't take more care.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Perosnally i have no problem with the Eastern European influx of workers and people wantign to live here. So long as they work hard and pay the extortionate taxes like the rest of us.
    I know in Derbyshire the farmers can only afford to employ these immigrants as the locals demand a ridiculously high wage compared to what the immigrants will work for (nb. I get paid under £7 an hour and I work for a council). In many of Derbyshire's vilages there is always at least two caravans housing the farm workers somewher,e and they are fully accepted into the village. No problem.

    What i have a problem with is the little scrotes like the one i encountered on our front door step the other week, opening a package addressed to me and going through all the personal details contained within. When i encountered him he played mute to get close enough to me then bloody assaulted me.
    Why is there no ongoing checks on these people to ensure they are not thieves and murderers?
  5. Hugh

    Hugh New Member

    This is my concern also. I fear that many people are afraid to speak out about what is happening in our country regarding immigration. They are afraid of being branded as racists.

    Let's have the people we need to come to this country regardless of their race or colour so long as they are hard working genuine people. But also let us not have a wide open door policy - we are an island nation with finite resources.

    Regarding asylum seekers, asylum is supposed to be granted at the first safe haven. Why do our asylum seekers travel over many borders to seek safe haven here?

    Oh and by the way, what other country in this world would allow Islamic preachers of hate to live in their country, claiming all the benefits there is to be had and then allow them to go out into the streets and will others to kill British servicemen. Defies belief and I would kick them so hard back to where they came from.

    May be that some local people do not want to work because they are better off on the benefit system. No work, no benefits - simple!

  6. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    Sorry if I didn't make myself very clear. It is the system that I was berating. I don't have a problem with any one group of people either (apart from the criminal elements and queue jumpers). I guess my biggest gripe lies with our government. How can schools, doctor's practices, dental practices, local authorities, transport systems etc. etc. be expected to cope with large unplanned numbers without more meaningful central funding.

    Today my sister had an operation to remove a cancer but three other similarly urgent cases had to be turned away for lack of beds. How would I (and the rest of our family) feel if she were one of those three? - that sounds so selfish but you know what I mean.

    Harmony is most easily achieved by good planning (6 P's of management) and there is more chance of coping with the oddballs that life throws at us if the basics are in place.
  7. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Kitty, I take it you are okay but a little shaken?

    CT, I hope it went well and your sister comes through it with flying colours.
  8. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    Kitty how rude of me not to have picked up on that too. I was too busy being cross with myself for not being explicit enough in the first place (you would never believe how long it takes me to try to say what I want to say!!!).

    I do hope that you are ok and had the opportunity to mete out a little rough justice in return.

    Andy thanks for your thoughts, we've all got everything crossed!!!!
  9. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    I'm fine folks, was a couple of weeks ago now. called the police on the insistance of a friend, but as it was my word against his they couldn't charge him.
    He and his mates have since done the same thing elsewhere and tried to force their way into a house.
    Nana you did make yourself clear, I didn't. Was merely trying to state my own views on it but was rather, erm, riled.
  10. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    He andhis mates have done the same elsewhere? As in, they've been caught doing it?

    Relieved to hear you're okay, Kitty. Mail theft, assault...kharma will catch up with him.
  11. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    We have Islamic preachers here urging violence on the "Enemies of Islam" and worse. One of them urged their parents to turn their children into martyrs.

    The Australian Islamic Council have had him removed for his outspoken stance however the damage has been done.

    "One rule for them and one rule for us". If we complain we are racists also.
  12. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Hope you are okay!

    Aren't there some locals you know that can convince them to change their habits?
  13. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    The NHS would collapse without workers from other countries, mainly Nigeria and Ghana. I have about three Nursing students a year to supervise, for five-week periods each, and in the last four years just one has been white British (this is London; maybe its not so marked elsewhere). Not that I have a problem with this, but its worrying that we rely on non-indigenous people for our labour - almost as bad as some of the Gulf Arab states where over half the population are foreign labourers.

    But, this isn't a new thing - I trained at one of the old Asylums in the 1980s and most of the workforce were Mauritians, who had been recruited since the 60's. So, is this another instance of White English people just not liking to do certain jobs for the money on offer?
  14. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

  15. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Interesting. Reverse migration. Good to see from a Polish point of view.
  16. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    There used to be, but not any more. Even the police can;t do anything, and even though i sent the message out the police want you to call them so they can track this little bar stewards and get enough evidence to do them, the people involved are NOT calling the police. Beggars belief.

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