Canada - The Atlantic Convoys

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by rlaughton, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. rlaughton


    As I begin my trek to learn more of my parents history serving on Corvettes in the Atlantic convoys, I thought it best to see who else has an interest in this topic. I know only the bare minimum of my father's WWII experience but only a few years ago I knew much less of my grandfathers' in WWI, so here we go!

    Off to the attic I headed to pull out the box and there was a movie K225, the Hollywood version of the HMCS Kitchener in the North Atlantic. An old scratchy VHS copy of a 1943 classic - but it looks like a good place to start.

    Some links I found so far:

    The Convoy Web

    The Ships of the Canadian Navy K225

    I have now placed an order for the Military Records of both my parents, so it will be interesting to see what arrives from Ottawa. Other than that I have no idea how to track WWII service records and ship placements. Has anyone else been down this path??
  2. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Never heard of that film, Richard, and as I'm a sucker for naval flicks, I'll keep an eye out for it.

    I think Hugh might be best placed to help you in this matter.

    Have a look at as well. This gives some interesting details of ships lost/involved in the convoys. Probably best for anecdotal or "periphery" info.
  3. Hugh

    Hugh New Member

    Hello Richard,

    I do have an interest in this area although to be honest it is mainly in the Merchant Navy ships more than the military escorts - surprising maybe as I am ex RN myself.

    The Convoy Web site is a great resource and well worth keeping for reference.

    Have you seen this site: Naval Museum of Manitoba - HMCS CHIPPAWA - Winnipeg, Manitoba pictures of all three ships you mentioned in your introduction thread and also a forum to ask specific questions.

    I quickly checked the UK National Archives earlier and didn't see much of interest but will have a more indepth search later and let you know.

    Corvettes Canada: Convoy Veterans of Wwii Tell Their True Stories. - JOHNSTON, MAC.

  4. rlaughton


    Thanks Andy & Hugh .... off to a good start. As I said, I am a true newbie when it comes to WWII.

    Interesting to go to that site link and see K225 thrusting out of the water. An unknown number until a few days ago and now it pops up everywhere.

    Why there is a Navy site out of Manitoba I have no idea but I will go and check out the details. Thanks kindly for the links.


    p.s. now I need to find a White Ensign
  5. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Hi Richard,

    What areas, ships and land bases were your parents involved with?

    It is good to know as when you are researching other areas, interesting associations sometimes turn up.

  6. rlaughton


    The war time ships (Corvettes) of Lt. C. V. Laughton R.C.N.

    HMCS Arnprior K494
    HMCS Agassiz K129
    HMCS Cobalt K124

    As best I know, my mother sailed the Pay Wicket out of Halifax. My father could escape all but one torpedo in the high seas and none of my mother's torpedoes in Halifax.
  7. Rick Adam

    Rick Adam Guest

    Hello Richard,new member Rick Adam here I hope you got the photos I sent you earlier today.
    I will have to learn how to get around in this group and how to add content to share as well. TTFN Rick
  8. rlaughton


    They are in my mail box, many of them, will have a look after the Sunday Feast is over and the kids have gone back to their own nests!

    Welcome aboard, seems like a great place.

  9. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Welcome Rick,

    Tell us a bit more about yourself in the introduction forum and let us know how you found us!
  10. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Super sites Richard, have added these to my faves. Plenty of research material in these and some real good reading.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Not sure if this site may help as its the Brit MN site The Red Duster

    And then there is RN (and others) Day by Day. You may be able to track his ships or convoys through this. but be warned it is still being built and is very extensive.
  12. You might also want to check on, which has a sections on convoys and Canada. As well, at the risk of being accused of a self-service plug, you might find my The Battle of the St. Lawrence: The Second World War in Canada of interest; it tells the story of the U-boat assault on Canada in 1942/44. Twenty-four ships were sunk, including two corvettes, HMCS Charlottetown and Shawinigan, the armed yacht Raccoon and the Newfoundland-Nova Scotia ferry SS Cariboo.

  13. rlaughton


    Had to bury a vet today, so then we lit the fire and watched K-225 and it was a good film, even in scratchy black and white that my Mom taped back in 1993. Amazing that I held it for 15 years and only finally pulled it out because of this forum. Thanks for the nudge.

    Also thanks to Rick for the images of K-124 the "Cobalt". This is the BEE image that I had recalled from the model in my father's den and a photo:


  14. Spielspieler

    Spielspieler Guest


  15. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Thanks, mate, I'll pop over to that site if I can't find it down here.

    Welcome to the forum. Feel free to introduce yourself. Hope you enjoy it here.
  16. spidge

    spidge Active Member

  17. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    I did something similar but picked up In Which We Serve with Morning Departure (haven't watched it yet) and We Dive at Dawn...HMS Sea Tiger (?) goes after the "Brandenburg" but then have to limp home after raiding a German-held port for fuel. Part of the Silver Screen Collection - meant to get other 3 DVD packs but haven't seen them for a while.
  18. rlaughton


    Excellent article in the May?June 2008 of the Canadian Legion Magazine on "The Humble Corvette". Good detail about the difference between the Canadian and British builds.

    Sad part is that it does not appear to be on-line, although other articles from that issue are posted. They might delay them for a month? This article was Part 27 by Marc Milner and I do see that Part 26 is posted, so maybe keep and eye open on this link:

    The Wolf Packs: Navy, Part 26 | Legion Magazine

    I tried changing the 03 to an 04 and the 26 to 27 but that did not work!

  19. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    That is one of my tricks also. Works more often than not though!
  20. cmoher3

    cmoher3 Guest

    Corvette Photos and Diary HMCS Dauphin

    I have inherited a significant photo album of Atlantic convoys and my father's diary if anyone wishes to use them in their research. It is mostly photos onboard his ship the corvette HMCS Dauphin AKA "The Barber Pole" on account of the colouration of its smoke stack. There are some other photos of other ships included.


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