I have mentioned before that I live on an airport that has a 2200' grass strip runway. Every year on the first weekend of May we have our annual fly in. Satuday was a rainout but today (Sunday) is wonderful weather and I took a few pictures for you to see. First up are Stearman PT17 biplanes.
Next up are a T6 (Havard) and an Air Coupe. I will have some more up soon. I have to download them from my camera and the resize them before I can post. A big task for computer challenged me.
Great pictures David. Must be great just to look out and see these beauties. Now, what is that in pictures 7 & 8?
This one is a friends Piper Cub. It had been lodging in my hanger while he painted the floor in his. The Cub has just been pushed out of my hanger. That is the back of my house in the back ground.
And finally. A biplane that I cannot identify and "Varga Girl" is an unknown quantity to me also. I don't like to see non military aircraft painted in warbird fashion. For me its authenticity or nothing. The 2 Stearmans in military attire that you have seen are authentic. The 2 painted in non military schemes could be made into authentic warbirds. The T6 is an authentic warbird.
You are correct. We have another Starduster on the field but the military attire confused me totally.