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Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Pathfinder, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    Hey all,

    I'd just been looking at a website about animals in WW2, and it says that Guy Gibson, besides having his black lab, Nigger, he had a cat called Windy, who flew with him on many of his operations. Wonder if he flew with him on the now famous Dambuster's mission?
  2. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    There is no mention of him having a cat in his book!
  3. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Something to do with "Here Kitty Kitty Kitty, here Kitty Kitty Kitty"
  4. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    I would hate to be in your shoes when she reads that!:dwarf:

    By the way, if she reads it, can i get your boots?
  5. 51highland

    51highland Member

    Hate the sight of bloooooooood !!!!!lol
  6. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    Here's the info from Purr-n-Fur UK: Cats in Wartime 1, On Land and in the Air

    As well as his well-known black Labrador dog Nigger, Wing Commander Guy Gibson, of Bomber Command and also "Dambusters" fame, had a cat named Windy that apparently accompanied him on many of his hazardous wartime missions. He was described as 'an all-swimming, all-flying cat, who put in more flying hours than most cats'!
  7. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    There is only one breed of cat who regulary swimm, but they are middle eastern. Cats in Britian will swim, if the water is around blood temp, otherwise they will run away.
  8. 51highland

    51highland Member

    knew a fellow once who reckoned "there's not a cat alive that can swim in a water-butt" !!!
  9. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    *Slowly drum rolls fingers on computer desk whilst reading DL's post*

    Cat's like to play with their prey :>

    And aren't you lot lucky I have read 4 seperate bio's on Guy? The cat WAS NOT called Windy. it was called 'Wings' for fairly obvious reasons. It did used to fly with him, but not on Ops. There was too much risk of it getting under pedals etc for that.

    When Guy was flying the cat would sit at the top of the washing line pole to wait for him. He had to leave it behind when he was posted to a front line squadron.
  10. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    Ah, thanks for clearing that up Kitty :)
  11. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    I am occasionally useful for something other than causing mayhem.
  12. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    And we're all grateful for that :)
  13. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    I dont have bio of him, just his "Enemy Coast Ahead" - I know "Wings" Day, spent some of his time in the camps, training a cat to respond to whisles like a dog!

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