Beauforts in the Med

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Pathfinder, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    Hey all,

    I'm halfway through doing Fields' backstory and I've decided to change it; he's a pilot of a Bristol Beaufort in the Mediterranean and wins his DFC & Bar there while on anti-shipping and bombing raids.

    Could I create a Beaufort squadron that is based in the Med for this? Did they do any missions besides anti-shipping and bombing?
  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Beauforts were also used for Recon

    However, it is highly unlikely for a Beaufort pilot to end up as a BC pilot, or command a BC, especially a Pathfinder, squadron. On transfer back to the UK, someone with experience of Beaufort operations in Med (which were predominantly anti-shipping) would have been assigned Coastal Command duties, probably with one of the Beaufighter/Mosquito Strike Squadrons that ventured across the North Sea and the Channel to hit enemy ships.
  3. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    Well, I guess I might have to put in that he gets posted to fly Beaus in CC, then he tries time and time again to get posted to BC, but they'll post him to the SOE, with Lysanders, then they finally give in, and finally give him command of 522 Squadron.

    Or is that too much war in too shorter period Kyt?
  4. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    It depends upon what type of story you want to write. If you want to write a Biggles-esque type story then anything is possible (and I'm not dismissing Biggles as loved the books as a kid).

    However, if you want it to be historical fictionthen it maybe a bit much, going from the Med to CC to Special Ops to BC to Pathfinders.
  5. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    So, what if Fields has his heart set on a Med posting, but gets sents to flying Blenheims, wins the DFC & Bar, goes to the SOE, gets the DSO, gets a Bar for leading 522, and gets his dream posting to the Med, but gets shot down on a mission while flying as the captain of a Bristol Beaufighter on an anti-shipping raid somewhere near Malta. No one survives.

    Hmm, I might change it to 1943, since that's when the bombing offensive got underway, and that might give me more room to put more of my ideas in.
  6. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    That is still a bit of twisted route. he might have flown Blenheims in the early bombing raids which makes him BC, but he would not have served for SOE but in clandstine Flights who carried out the flights for SOE. I would suggest that you read Vol 5 of the RAF Historical Society, as two of the most famous members of the Clandstine flights, give a account of the buld up and operations.

    To command a Bomber Sqdn, you had to be a Wing Commander, which would make it a strange for him to sent to a Beaufighter unit in the Med, because by the time he made it to Wingco status, he would be due a staff post because of specialist knowledge rather than another flying job.
  7. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    Yeah, I guess I should :)

    And, what would be a suitable staff job for him? Bomber Command HQ?
  8. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    To give Field's story more credence I think he should do an earlier tour within Bomber Command on Wellingtons, Whitleys or Hampdens
  9. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    He might be more suited to AI2c who were the people who liased with SOE about their requirements and drafted the oders to the various units. SOE never gave orders directly to operational units.
  10. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    David, so how does a tour on Blenheims and Whitleys sounds for Harry Fields?

    Morse, is there anything on the internet about AI2c? So I can look it up?
  11. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    More than likely his sqdn would have converted to Whitley or even the manchester.

    As for AI2C, there is only a breif mention in the RAFHS journals, nothing much else.
  12. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    Thanks again for all your help Morse :)

    I'll look that up if I can find it.
  13. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    James, Kyt's right about the Beauforts. Can't let that torpedo training go to waste!

    If you've got your heart set on a posting to the Med and want to link it to a future BC posting, do as DL suggested and have him flying Wimpey's over North Africa...sometimes doing two raids per night on airfields etc.
  14. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    Thanks Andy :)
  15. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    Flying Wimpeys would fit in with the story, if he was a pre war pilot.
  16. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    So, would those two night bombing raids per night count as two operations or one? :)
  17. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Two operations.
  18. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    So, I guess his tour of ops would be over quicker than a normal tour of operations in BC?
  19. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    yes! And he would not have the same amount of leave!
  20. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    Well, that'd sort of be annoying for Harry then I guess :)

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