Was Patton a Victim of an Assassination?

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Kyt, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Was General George S. Patton a Victim of an Assassination? - Associated Content

  2. rlaughton

    rlaughton http://www.militarian.com/account/avatar

    Fascinating - I had never heard that theory before. Is there an answer?
  3. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    I suppose the question we must ask is:

    Would it surprise you if it was true?

    Patton was an American icon, a war hero and a loose cannon whose only reason for living was to be in combat. He detested the Russians and would not have had any reservations at moving against them.

    With his accident, there may have been an opportunity to take him out of the equation that was too tempting for some to resist.
  4. Pathfinder

    Pathfinder Guest

    I remember watching a documentary about his death in that aforementioned accident. So if it was an assassination, the truck driver would have been told he had done his duty for America then?
  5. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    He wasn't killed in the accident. He died 11? days later due to "complications".
  6. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    A Conspiracy Theory????


  7. war hawk

    war hawk New Member

    I have heard about thjis before , I do believe this. He hated the russians. He wantede to attack them right aftyer the war ended. On the rating scale I rate this thread as 5 excelent.:) only because someone finally realized that patton could have been killed on purpose.
  8. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

  9. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Obituary of Douglas Bazata

    Douglas DeWitt Bazata, Artist And O.S.S. Officer, Dies at 88 - New York Times
  10. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    Moral Dilemma??

    Just supposing the theories are right, and Patton was assassinated by his own side to avoid causing a war with the Russians:

    Was it the right thing to do?

    In once sense it was a terrible thing to do; he was a patriot and a hero. But supposing we had gone to war with the Soviet Union in 1946?

    If we had won, it might have saved us the Cold War. But the cost in lives would have been horrendous. It would have been by no means certain that we would have won - we may well have needed to use the atom bomb to make sure. And would the US have had the support of Britain - with a new Labour government and an establishment riddled with communists?

    So as for Patton: "It is good that one man should die for the sake of the people"?? (As a Jewish High Priest said before condemning another Jew to death 1900 years previously).
  11. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    I was reading this .... it made me think ....... ! wonder what would have happened in Korea ?

    This was a surprise to me .... the people who attended his funeral ........

    The U.S. Army was represented by Generals MacNarney Burpee, Ross, W. B. Smith, Moses, Balmer, Halley, Nevius Summers and Colonel C.H. Reed. The U.S. Navy was represented by Vice Admiral Glassford. Other high ranking officers were present.

    England was represented by Lieutenant General Thomas, Major General Marriott, Lieutenant Colonel Lambert, Lieutenant Colonel Taylor and Major Grieve.

    Russia was represented by Lieutenant General Lukianchenko, Major General Kovlov, Colonel Skarin and Major Danton.

    France was represented by Lieutenant General Koenig, Lieutenant General Dody, Colonel De La Brotesche and other Officers and Officials.

    Belgium was represented by General Ceethels, Colonel Hougardy, Mr. Legrand and Major Berten.

    Holland was represented by Colonel De Ruijter van Stevening and Capt. Van Euben.

    Yugoslavia was represented by Lieutenant Colonel Polezina.

    Czechoslovakia was represented by Major Pospizil/Inlichonsky.

    Representing Luxembourg were:

    H.R.H. Prince Felix

    H.R.H. Hereditary Grand Duke Jean

    The Bishop of Luxembourg, Monsignor Joseph Philippe

    The Luxembourg Government, lead by Prime Minister Pierre Dupong

    Numerous Members of Parliament

    Representatives of the Supreme Court

    The municipal authorities of Luxembourg City

    The Anciens Combattants of World Wars I and II Representatives of Gendarmerie and Police

    Many Luxembourg citizens assisted to the General's obsequies
  12. martinww2

    martinww2 New Member

    Fascinating indeed,a nice theory.

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