Copied this some while ago and thought I would share it. COPY Certified true Copy. (signed) - Harris CHARGE SHEET S/Ldr. Charge against :- No. Rank Name SFX417 L/A Lancaster E. 515182 Sgt. Greenhalgh E. KG884 R.S.M. O'Brien A. 633914 Sgt. Fraser D. 1331734 Sgt. Arnold J.F. 1003628 Sgt. Rigley J.J.McK. 546026 Sgt. James G. At Barth,Germany,on 15th February 1944 when on active service. 1. When ordered by Wing Commander F.W.Hilton,R.A.F. Senior British Officer at Stalag Luft 1, to shave the hair from their bodies by by 12:00 hours on the 15th February 1944,did not do so. 2. When ordered by Colonel W.A.Hatcher U.S.A.A.F.,Senior Allied Officer at Stalag Luft 1,to shave the hair from their bodies by 15:00 hours on the 15th February 1944,did not do so. 3. Endangering the health of other Prisoners Of War by not carrying out Medical precautions ordered by Wing Commander Hilton and Colonel Hatcher. Awarded :- TO BE REDUCED TO THE RANKS w.e.e. 15/12/44 Signature F.W.HILTON Senior British Officer Stalag Luft 1, Countersignature W.A. HATCHER Brings a whole new meaning to "Get Your Hair Cut."
P.O.W. Discipline I should imagine that at this time of year it would be cool to say the least Kyt. Perhaps the order had come on advice from the M.O. due lice. The Document didn't give any more information. What was an R.S.M. doing in an Airforce Camp.?
I was poking around a little and found this website that has a bunch of stories from Stalag Luft 1 to go along with this: The Wartime Memories Project - STALAG LUFT 1 POW Camp
Thanks for this interesting document Brian. I guess their punishment showed the others what could happen if they didn't do it.
Seems Hatcher was quite a thorn in the German's side. He lasted about 3 months at Stalag Luft I before he was transferred to SL 3 because of his constant complaints about the conditions
Brian S, do you have anymore details about the POWs at Stalag Luft I? Was Wg Cdr FW Hilton's first name name Fred? If so he's my late great-uncle.
Hi higgy, it was Frederick William HILTON 32195 POW No: 1591 Do you have any more details of his service?
Your uncle was shot down on a raid to Berlin 26/11/'43 while serving with 7 Squadron in Lancaster JB 538.
Thanks David & Kyt I never knew that. I wish I'd have known it 4 years ago when I spent 2 months on operations on 7 Sqn! I only have sketchy details of Fred's career, memories that my grandfather told me before he died. I knew he got shot down flying withthe pathfinders and went to Stalag Luft I, but I didn't know which Sqn it was with.