The Story of the C-130 and the F-16

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by David Layne, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    A C-130 was lumbering along when a cocky F-16 flashed by.
    The jet jockey decided to show off.


    The fighter jock told the C-130 pilot, 'watch this!' and promptly
    went into a barrel roll followed by a steep climb. He then finished
    with a sonic boom as he broke the sound barrier. The F-16 pilot
    asked the C-130 pilot what he thought of that?


    The C-130 pilot said, 'That was impressive, but watch this!'
    The C-130 droned along for about five minutes and then the C-130
    pilot came back on and said: 'What did you think of that?'
    Puzzled, the F-16 pilot asked, 'What the heck did you do?'
    The C-130 pilot chuckled. 'I stood up, stretched my legs, walked
    to the back, went to the bathroom, then got a cup of coffee and a
    cinnamon bun.'

    When you are young and foolish - speed and flash may seem a good thing !

    When you get older and smarter - comfort and dull is not such a bad thing !

    We old folks understand this one.
  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Excellent :becky:
  3. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    Sorry to be a spoil sport, but they were telling a a similar story about the B36 and the F102!
  4. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    This is the 21st Century version in full living colour.
  5. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    And probably about the Sopwith Camel and Handley Page O/400!
  6. Brian S

    Brian S Guest


    All too true I'm afraid.
  7. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    But that raises the question of how did they communicate?:noidea:
  8. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

  9. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    That is a bit difficult for a camel pilot! it would mean letting go of the joystick and standing up on his seat!
  10. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    I'm sure Biggles would have thought of something! :director:

  11. Ferhilt

    Ferhilt New Member

    It would have been a lot more impressive to claim to walk to the back and go to the bathroom on the Handly Page.
  12. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    I've heard a similar one where the large aircraft shuts down one engine and drones on...something the F-16 or F-102 or Camel couldn't do!

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