Liverpool Annie can you help?

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by David Layne, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Knowing Liverpool Annie's "roots" I am hoping she can answer a query for me, or at least tell me how to go about finding an answer to a question I have.

    First a little background. My father was shot down in September of 1943. After receiving the news my mother decided to keep a diary to update my father on his return.

    Although it is not a daily diary it records what was going on in the town of Grantham where she lived and the war news in particular.

    It makes sad reading in many places as she lists time after time the names of my parents friends who were missing or killed on air operations.

    Toward the end is a brief entry which is what I am questioning. She writes:-

    "Monday February 12th 1945 Heard today Barbara Parr drowned on Friday last."

    Surviving members of my family have no recollection of a Barbara Parr. I don't know if she was a civilian from Grantham who died in an accident or if she was a military casualty.

    Any help with this conundrum would be appreciated.
  2. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    I note that Barbara Parr is not listed on the CWGC site.
  3. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Hi David !

    The only death registration for a Barbara Parr that I could find was 1950 !!

    You might try the newspapers .... or try looking for a Coroners report .... there should have been an inquest .... I'd start at the library in Grantham and see what can be found there ! .... maybe an email

    Grantham Library -- Lincolnshire, UK [lib-web-cats]

    Annie :)
  4. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Thanks, will follow your suggestion.
  5. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    On my recent visit to the U.K. via a circuitous route I was able to come up with the following in regards my query.

    As I understand it Barbara Parr's husband S/L Ruffell is still alive.
  6. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Trying again.


  7. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Good job David !

    Maybe you could try and see if you can find her husband ..... where did you get those ?

    Annie :)
  8. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    As far as the husband Brian Ruffell, I believe he was an instructor pilot.

    My sister had asked via the Grantham Journal about Barbara Parr. One of the replies I got was from a lady kindly found and copied the pertinent details from records in Grantham Library.

    I was greatly appreciative of a stranger doing this more for me. I subsequently discovered she is a Roots Chat devote.

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