
Discussion in 'World War 2' started by John, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. John

    John Active Member

    I keep reading that the Iraq government do not want the English or Australian troops in their country anymore, yet our governments keep saying they will withdraw by July 2009.
    If we are not wanted why not withdraw our troops NOW before anymore lives are lost ??
  2. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    This is the latest here John ! .... they're also going to bring home the memorial wall ..... !!

  3. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    I meant to say it doesn't look like U.S. troops will be coming home from Iraq anytime soon ..............

    U.S. soldiers are stuck in a catch-22 ....... the paradox that stumped the U.S. occupation forces two years ago shortly after the fall of Baghdad continues to stump them today

    On the one hand - their efforts to provide security won't succeed until they restore essential services .... on the other hand - they can't restore essential services until the country's key assets .... especially its roads oil pipelines and electrical generators - are secure ! the Iraqi leaders themselves want ... however grudgingly - the American military to stay ....... at least until the insurgents are weakened much further ........

    I'd say they were being "used" wouldn't you ?
  4. John

    John Active Member

    I agree with you Annie, that the Americans are in a no win situation. I keep hearing that Iraq is in complete control yet their people are being killed every day by their own mob with bombs.
  5. Hugh

    Hugh New Member

    Sorry for appearing picky, John. Did you mean to say British?

  6. John

    John Active Member

    Sorry if I offended. British
  7. Hugh

    Hugh New Member

    You didn't offend, John.


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