Happy New Year

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by Kyt, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Happy New Year, Everyone


    I hope everyone has/had a wonderful New Year. And I wish everyone a peaceful, happy and contented 2009
  2. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    The 11th minute of the 11th hour here! Speaking of remembrance, don't forget to have a great and safe New Year.

    I will be seeing it in another 49 minutes.


  3. CXX

    CXX New Member

    Happy New Year, Everyone. All the very best for 2009.

  4. Tomgus

    Tomgus New Member

    Happy New Year!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE and THANKS for this great WW2-site with soo much interesting facts and so many nice and helpfull people. TAKE CARE!
  5. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Happy New Year peeps :D
  6. John

    John Active Member

    A happy and rewarding new year for 2009 to all forum members

    John :behindsofa: :hi:
  7. war hawk

    war hawk New Member

    :bump2::hungry: And a Happy New Year to all. I can not believe it is 2009.:headhurt:
  8. Nostalgair

    Nostalgair New Member

    Happy New Year everyone.

    I didn't see it in as I had to rise in the small hours to fly home. I did hear the fireworks though!


  9. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Thanks Owen !... hope you had a good trip !!

    I hope this is a year that brings us all more peace and serenity !!

    Annie :)

    PS ... Still 4 hours to go !!
  10. John

    John Active Member

    Our New Year done and dusted 13.30 hours ago :banplease:
  11. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    Happy New Year!

    Probably pushing it to wish anyone a prosperous one; even Gordon Brown is trying to sound all Churchillian about what lies ahead!
  12. Keith

    Keith New Member

    My Good Wishes for 2009

    Hi Adrian,
    Easy, don't listen to the war of words on the media, they compete with each other for the best story.
    Unfortunately it would appear that only bad news is worth reporting because it will get a high response.
    Good news only lowers their sales figures.
    It is purely relative, if the present situation affects you personally, it has done the same to everyone else.
    Therefore the status quo has remained static.
    If you have lost 10% off your previously inflated property value, or investments, so has everyone else.
    Comparitive living standards will remain the same.
    We are not being bombed, our vast majority of the population are not going to war and putting their lives at risk !
    So here are my best wishes to everyone,
    Have a Happy New Year things are not that bad, they could be a lot worse.
    Love to 2009
  13. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    Yes of course; a timely reminder; I should be grateful!
  14. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    A timely reminder indeed.

    I live by the adage that "There is always someone worse off than you" no matter what the situation.

    I saw a young lad about 7 or 8 come into a grocery store the other day following his mum in a wheel chair. He seemed to be crippled or a quadriplegic.

    His head was held up by a support frame from a leather strap from around the back of his neck and to the front under his chin. This apparatus was connected by ropes to what looked like a hangman's frame. This was to keep his head vertical and another each side.

    He was on a rather large drip of what I do not know. This is what I could see. You never know what was underneath his clothing or under the wheel chair.

    He was smiling away at everyone he passed. One of the young girls had complained earlier about a paper cut and had to go and get it dressed and have a little sit down.

    I asked her to have a look at the boy. I then asked her about the paper cut. She replied, I cannot feel a thing.
  15. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    I hope the new year has got off to a good start for everyone. Looking forward to sharing at least some of it with you lot.
  16. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    But of course Andy ! .... you don't get rid of us that easy .......... :angel:

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