Hope you guys are OK !

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by liverpool annie, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

  2. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    My city of Melbourne has had the hottest three days in a row since records began in 1880. Power transmission lines were blowing up and railroad lines were buckling.

    Your trains have been cancelled due to snow.

    What a difference a hemisphere makes.
  3. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    The view over the forest is breathtaking. We have a blazing log fire, loads of food in the house and all of yesterdays papers to catch up on because we were out to lunch with our son and family yesterday. Sorry for all those who have to struggle through this to get to work but we're fine!!!

    The scenes from Australia look scarey are you all ok down there?
  4. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    The snow arrived in Bristol at about 9 this morning. It's just a dusting but I still nearly managed to break my neck on the pavement. Found it easier to walk on the road.

    I HATE SNOW!!!!!!
  5. Gage

    Gage New Member

    I LOVE SNOW. Not enough snow last night as I could still make it to work this morning (boo).
  6. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    What have you been seeing, CT?
  7. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    I saw buckled railway lines.
  8. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    A bit embarrassing really, DL. I mean we all know it gets hot in Oz so why can't the rail lines handle it?! I don't see them buckling in the NW of Western Australia where the likes of BHP and Rio Tinto run iron ore train over one kilometre long and where it is always hot!
  9. John

    John Active Member

    Would you believe that I have never seen snow in my life except on TV.
  10. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Oh John !!!!!!!!!! ..... I'll have to send you some ... we've got loads here !!!!!!!
  11. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    Here we have had the worst snowfall in London for 18 years. I didn't get to work today. As soon as I looked out of the window this morning, I realised there were no cars in the road outside our house except one in the process of getting stuck. Even if I had been able to move on the main road, I couldn't have got out of the side road where I park onto the main road, and I would have had the same problem the other end if I got to work. I thought of going by bus, then I heard they were all cancelled, likewise the trains. So I set out to walk, which would be three hours on a good day; I did about two miles in 45 minutes and was mighty relieved when my manager called me and said she had spoken to her manager and they were going to close the place for the day. Fortunately my branch of the NHS doesn't normally deal with life-threatening situations; I don't know what I would have done if I had been an ambulance driver or worked in an operating theatre.

    So I was back home by 10.15 and of course all the schools were closed so the girls had a great day. I took these photos.

    SL700791 is the snowman they built in our back garden
    ' 795 is our girls plus a friend having a snowball fight in the front garden.
    ' 796 is Alice with a snowball clearly enjoying herself; fortunately I was indoors the other side of the window.
    ' 798 is the view of our road from our bedroom window; quite pretty if you didn't have to get anywhere important.
    ' 801 is the bloke across the road having to be pushed when he got his car stuck trying to get into his drive, which illustrates the problems I would have faced if I had tried to get out of the side road to the right of our house, and to go anywhere where the snow was not well flattened by previous traffic.

    I don't know what I will do tomorrow; they say the snowfall will move north, but what is on the ground here will freeze overnight and make for very treacherous conditions in the morning.


    Attached Files:

  12. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Smashing pictures Adrian !

    Just look at those rosy cheeks !!!!!!!!

    Stay home tomorrow .... put on a pot of stew and dumplings and crank the music up !!!!!!!

    Stay Safe ! :clapping:
  13. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Excellent pics, AR. Thanks for sharing. While the weather has stuffed a lot of things up, it sure does look pretty.
  14. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

  15. 51highland

    51highland Member

    Pitiful really, A little snow and England comes to a standstill. What was it, 91 days of continuous bombing in the Blitz and the buses keep running? A little snow and they stop. Good job hitler didn't try to invade during the winter, he would have wiped us out in 2 days !!!!
  16. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Ah, but wasn't it the Russian winter that stopped Hitler? And we are getting the Russian snow ;)
  17. 51highland

    51highland Member

    But It wasn't quite 20 to 40 below, and the deepest was 10 inches deep. Still pitiful !!! I know I'm getting (or is that Got) old, but I can never remember getting a day off school because of snow.
  18. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Well, they're definitely not sharing their oil.
  19. John

    John Active Member

    Watched on TV news last night re what was happening in England with the snow. I don't I want any snow now
    :jaw: :behindsofa:
  20. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    Well I got to work today; there was no new snowfall. But I had to shovel literally three feet of snow off the top of the car and from the front of it - not helped by the fact that the bloke who uses the drive just in front of where my car was parked had piled up even more snow in front of my car to get his out. Once I got onto the the main road, which had been snow-ploughed and gritted, it wasn't too bad - in fact since a lot of people were still off work I got in faster than normal.

    There is a sense of injustice among the younger members of the household because Alice's school is open again tomorrow, but Jennifer's is still closed because its up a long narrow lane which is still icy, so guess who has another day off..... The headmistress presumably doesn't want to be sued if any of her charges graze their knees falling over, and she is trying to persuade the local authority to clear the lane.

    The picture is one I took this morning from our bedroom - the same as one of yesterdays but in the sunshine. Beautiful but dangerous, like a lot of things in life.

    They say there will be more on Friday.....


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