Bush Fires - Floods

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by John, Feb 7, 2009.

  1. John

    John Active Member

    To all our Victorian members.
    I hope you are all safe and haven't lost your homes. Early news that I have heard this morning that 14 people have lost their lives and this could rise to 40 according to the news
    My state Queensland is in flood crisis. Over 60% of the state is underwater and in some towns, crocodiles have been seen in the streets that are flooded. I have seen only one person reported drowned

    Fatal Victorian inferno

    Floods hit North Queensland | The Courier-Mail

    Death Toll has now risen to 25 people
  2. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    We have friends in Wandong and Kinglake who were evacuated with the Kinglake home being lost which is only 25 kilometers north of my home.

    We had our hottest day ever in Melbourne yesterday at 46.5C with horrendous and powerful northerly winds.

    Fires were actually jumping three or four kilometres in five minutes which caught many people unaware and cut down their escape time, which in one case killed a family of six in their vehicle. The temperature has now dropped to 20 degrees.
  3. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Please be careful you guys ... stay safe !:eek:hwell:
  4. Nostalgair

    Nostalgair New Member

    Hi Geoff,

    Take care down your way.

    My thoughts are with all the crews for today. I sincerely hope that the worst is over, but the conditions don't promise anything.

    View attachment 2776

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    We had an outbreak south of here a few weeks back. These shots are from our airstrip at Mittagong.

  5. John

    John Active Member

    I have been watching the ABC TV since 6am to-day and the scenes that I have been seeing has been heartbreaking. Some towns have lost complete streets of houses. One interview of a fireman who has come back from a fire and he said that the road was littered with burnt out cars, which is a worry.
  6. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    We're okay at the moment although yesterday was a day from hell for the state and our worries are nothing compared to those in Kinglake etc. We had a big fire to the east of us that caused some concern but it was blowing away from us. Have had choppers going over fairly regularly at the start and end of the days including the Skycranes.

    The Bunyip fire which started near us went throughout the day and with the 100km/h NW winds was leaping forward. They're saying it's burnt 1300 hectares which is bad enough but the Kinglake fire, which really only got going in the early afternoon, ripped through 30,000 hectares in no time and, as Geoff said, appears to have just surprised everyone with its speed. We're all in a state of shock at the losses, just can't believe it. I have a former colleague who lives in Kinglake but haven't spoken to her yet.

    While it's a lot cooler today and, believe it or not, it's rained this morning, we're not clear yet so fingers crossed for the state.
  7. John

    John Active Member

    I am glad Spidge and Andy are okay. Very shocked to hear the toll is now 35 deaths and expected to rise. last I heard was 18 in hospital with burns to the body, some serious.

    Police have now said that firebugs are trying to relight extinguished fires in Churchill area.
    Toll now 49
  8. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

  9. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    We've just been watching the news and they're now reporting 65 lost.
  10. John

    John Active Member

    What I am worried about is if the Insurance companies will try to find some loop holes so as they don't have to pay all claims. They will pick out some and tell yhem that they were not fully covered.
  11. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    There are many friends that have lost their homes - My daughters boyfriends' auntie lost heir home however they are safe. There are too many others to list however at this stage, no personal friends have lost their lives.

    Latest is 84 confirmed deaths and over 700 homes lost. Deaths are likely to grow to over 100. Kinglake has lost 550 of those homes.
    Kinglake, Victoria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    One of our oldest towns in the Yarra Valley (Marysville) has been totally destroyed.

    This historic town not that far away from Kinglake has been totally destroyed. Wiki is right up to date.
    Marysville, Victoria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  12. John

    John Active Member

  13. Keith

    Keith New Member

    My thoughts are with you down there, including my prayers.
    Puts our own grumbling about a flurry of snow into perspective.
    Wish we could shift some down there to help you!
    Please be Ok and leave nothing to chance, if you have to, get out quick, you can replace a house, however grand or humble.
    All my hopes and good wishes for you all.
    Do not become a number.

  14. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Take care people, please.
  15. John

    John Active Member

    Death toll now confirmed at 108.
  16. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    Thinking of you all down there. Take care.
  17. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    To put the extent of the fires in perspective, an area twice the size of "Greater London" or the combined area of Surrey and Hertfordshire has now been burnt in Victoria.

    In the New South Wales fires (nothing to do with the Victorian ones) a 31 year old man has been arrested and charged with arson for lighting one of their fires. A young lad has also been arrested there for lighting another fire.

    What are these people thinking?
  18. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    The small hamlet town of Yackandandah where my great grandparents emigrated to from Ireland in the mid 1800's has now come under threat.

    This fire is in North East Victoria and about 250kms away from the Kinglake fire near Melbourne.

    Unique Yackandandah Website - Yackandandah Official Website
  19. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    I'm glad you're all ok and really hope the worst is over now.

    My brother and his family live in a new house in Lysterfield, VIC. I've been in touch with them; they're ok, though one of my brother's colleagues has had to leave his house and is not sure if its still standing.

    No mention on the UK news (not the BBC anyway) of the Queensland floods

  20. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Queensland floods have about 70% of the state under water. Some of the vision we saw this morning showed the water lapping street signage in some areas. (3 metres)

    The Dandenongs, with a history of bush fires has, at this time escaped the holocaust.

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