Post pictures of your pets here

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by Colonel Klink, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Our puppy school "teacher" said it was because she was missing something from her diet. Couldn't see what myself as she loves chewing whatever she can get her hands on. Last year I caught her chewing the corner of my copy of Against All Odds by Lex McAulay (there was even a nice leather bookmark sticking out of it so why not that?!) but fortunately the damage was minor. Yesterday while doing the mowing I found Jodi's sunglasses with both lenses popped out and teeth marks on the lens and one of the kill zones surrounded by toy stuffing.
  2. Colonel Klink

    Colonel Klink New Member




    The names of the horses. First pic is Sherlock. Second pic is Zip. Third pic is Shadow.
  3. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    CK,there so cute,all of them.Can't believe you own you're own horses,i always wanted one of my own.
    I am so jelous of ya (in a good way).
  4. Colonel Klink

    Colonel Klink New Member

    Hopefully someday you will have horses.:)
  5. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    As Kyt and Kitty know, I'm a huge fan of heavy horses - Shires and Clydedales - but they're so much work it'll be a while till we own one or two...if ever.

    Did see an Irish pony the other day and that seemed like a nice animal.
  6. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    This is my favourite Bud ad !! ... thought you guys might like it !! :clapping:

    YouTube - Budweiser - Horses

    I don't have any horses but I do collect horse brasses ... does that count ?? :p
  7. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Love those ads.

    Horse brasses are those things you see hanging around fire places and in pubs? :becky:
  8. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Not all horse brasses are found in pubs. Here is an example of two found in a house in Alabama!
  9. Keith

    Keith New Member


    Hi David,

    Some time ago I also had an interest in Shires & Clydesdales, made a few models, hope you like this one.
    Made everything except the pot horse, even then I had to drill its mouth to fit the harness.
    I suppose really it should be in the modelling slot, but nobody seems to use that but me.
  10. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Thanks DL, that's what I was thinking of.

    Like your work, Keith.
  11. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Shires & Clydesdales

    Hi Andy,

    Don't encourage me I have others, but if I put more up, I'll post them in the Models Area.

    Thanks for your kind words, if you are medically associated, you may recognise the flat uprights to hold the hay in!
  12. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Yep, figured she was a hay carter. Medically associated?
  13. Colonel Klink

    Colonel Klink New Member

    I always love the Clydesdales in that commercial.:bottled0wl::D
  14. John

    John Active Member

    Loved the Bud ad Annie. I also loved the beer when I visited the US in 1991:band1::music:
  15. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    I can't say much about the beer John ....

    I just live up the road from Coors !!!!!!! :D:D
  16. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    I own a Glydesdales horse............but in a stature way of cause. LOL.
  17. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Medically Associated.

    Hi Andy,
    The wooden uprights are spatulas, which just happened to be the right shape and size.

  18. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    I like the Carlton & United Australian Ad with the Clydesdales but unable to find it on U-Tube. Maybe they don't have it!
  19. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Guess this ages me. I remember the Shire Horses working on the land when I was a child.
  20. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Pets Pictures

    Hi David

    Getting back to the main theme of the post, this is "Willy"after a couple of weeks when we first had him.

    Attached Files:

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