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Rant/Rave of the Day

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by Kitty, Oct 6, 2007.

  1. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

  3. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Yep, have eaten a pack in record time on several occasions. Addictive little suckers.
  4. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Speaking of bouncing balls.
  5. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member


    Love it, Geoff!
  6. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    I now have an image of Kitty chasing after them as they bounce along the floor:peep:
  7. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    And as she's chasing them, she's saying "l-e-f-t, l-e-f-t, steady, steady..."

    Okay, that doesn't make sense since she's chasing them after they've been dropped but...
  8. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Oh, I thought she was giving herself instructions - you normally know when she's approaching because you can hear "left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot.......and so on"

    I'm a dead man :cc_rip:

  9. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Nice knowing you, Kyt!

    Always reminds me of The 12th Man by Billy Birmingham, the spoof on Aussie cricket commetating. I can never remember who he imitates but he basically says, "Yes, he's got a lovely action...left foot, quickly followed by the right foot, then the left foot again and the right in quick succession..."

    And my favourite:
    "Oh look out, Merv's (Merv Hughes) mooning the crowd"
    "And they're mooning him back. Whoa, look at all the cracks opening up there, Tony, get your keys out." (referring to Tony Greig sticking his keys in the cracks on the pitch to determine its condition).
  10. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Cheers Andy. I think I may be allowed to live but will probably be in a lot of pain.

    Love the anecdotes.
  11. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    F'ING Cyclists

    RANT: Notice to all f****** cyclists - YES ONEWAY RULES DO APPLY TO YOU!!

    Am now covered in cuts and bruises, and have sore ribs, because a dips*** decided they wanted to take short-cut.

    aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhh :mad2:
  12. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Bloody hell, you all right? Did you manage to at least get your stick in their spokes?
  13. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Yeah, just rather sore. Prattish first year student. Luckily someone else was crossing the road about two feet away and they must done the same as me and just looked in the direction the traffic should have been coming. All I heard this really load screeching of the brakes to avoid them, so not much velocity when he hit me. Still bloody hurt though.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Well now you are about to die a most slow and painful death involving shoes!

    Bouncing Maltesers.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    You know, i am now wondering if i should take a bag of choccies up to the dams on sunday and see if i can skip them on the reservoir, but thats a waste of good choklit.....
  15. morse1001

    morse1001 Guest

    You will never be able to eat them after you get them back!:becky:
  16. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Especially if they roll down the wall and explode...
  17. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    I was thinking that they'd end up looking like floaters in a swimming pool :becky:
  18. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Bill Murray and Caddyshack anyone?
  19. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    OMG that's exactly the same image I had - probably the floater scene in cinamatic history.
  20. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    You're freaking me out, Toor.

    Next you'll have a thing for kangaroos...

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