My introduction into the Army in February of 1944

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Franek, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. Franek

    Franek New Member

    06-07-2009, 10:36 PM #1 (permalink)
    WW2 Veteran

    Join Date: May 2008
    Posts: 180
    My introduction into the Army WW2


    Another Memory
    Three weeks after I turned 18, I was drafted into the Army. This was February 1944. The day that I was to report, I remember my Mother crying and even though I still did not shave ,my father gave me his razor. I reported to an armory where I joined other Draftees. We boarded buses and were driven to Ft Meade Maryland. We were fed and then went to get uniforms.

    Walking in line we were asked what sizes we wore. Clothes were handed to us. When we put them on, we found that most were too big.When we complained, we were told that we would grow into them. I wore a 10 1/2 shoe, but was issued a 11. Again we were told that when the Army got done with us that our feet would be so swollen that then they would fit.. (they were right)

    Walking down the street, I passed another soldier. After passing, he called out to me in a stern voice. I turned around and he asked me if I knew who he was.. I answered NO. He then told me that he was an officer and I did not salute him.I just starred at him.. He then asked me how long I was in the Army? I told him about five hours.. That did it.. I was put on KP duty.. I never saw so many potato's and dirty dishes in my life. I got the last laugh.. I ate a lot of meat which was unavailable to civilians. WELCOME TO THE ARMY
  2. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    Why did the officer put you on photo duty? cause you were a lower rank and he was trying to state how powerful he was?
    Was officers bullies towards privates?
  3. Franek

    Franek New Member

    t was not photo duty. It was a form of punishment. KP. Kitchen punishment.. We did all the dirty work. Washing dishes, peeling potato,s emptying garbage etc. That was the only time that I saw potato's in the Army. All that I ever saw from that point on were dehydrated potato.s. They were powdered and water or milk was added to make instant potato,s. They were lousy but easy to make. We also had powdered eggs.
    The officer that you mention was just another Idiot trying to oppress the new arrivals. We were treated as the lowest form of life.
    i suppose that this was their way of teaching us dicipline. a form of hazing.

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