Lancaster Tail Feathers

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Keith, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Hi Aerofans,

    Thought this may be of interest to bomber enthusiasts.


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  2. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    Thanks Keith, this is interesting; I hadn't been aware of these colours before.

    I am surprised that they didn't consider that the white and yellow colours might compromise the camouflage at night. I have also looked at the box art of the Revell Lancaster which shows yellow fins and wondered if this was realistic, so it seems that it might be.
  3. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Lancy Tail Feathers

    Hi Adrian,
    I to was not fully aware of the sqadron colours.
    I have decided to make some colour renditions of the drawing, not realising what a pig of a job it has turned out to be !!
    More or less, just over half done, so watch this space.
    Glad you found them interesting.

    Sqn Numbers not checked!


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  4. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Lancaster Bomber

    Tailfincolours, new image


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  5. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    Well done Keith, definitely one that I am printing and filing!

    I had a (milestone) birthday recently and a friend bought me the Lancaster kit that I mentioned. Initially I had mixed feelings: I appreciated the trouble he had gone to, but I have gone beyond kits and now make model ships from scratch (very slowly because of all the time I spend on the internet). And I've never made anything as large as the Lanc because its so difficult to work out where to put it (at least ships are only long in one direction). But the more I look at the box, the more I see that it would be a very handsome model, so I will probably get on and make it, when I've finished my current project.

    So the tail colours will be part of my research!
  6. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Lancaster tail, squadron colours

    Hi Adrian,
    Glad that you found my efforts useful.
    As an avid modeller, post me if you need further help.
    My projects have included, aircraft ( static and flying, latest ( at 77 nearly 78 ) 1/4 scale Mk 2 Spitfire and D.H. Tiger Moth 83a, don't know how my wife puts up with it, all, competing with them for my attention!!!
    Past modelling projects have also included Fast Attack Ships, HMS Brave Borderer, then HMS Diamond, smaller scale Bismark, Californian Fishing Boat, Inflateable rescue craft, Farm Carts of all sorts, furniture models and full size items of furniture.
    However aircraft being my main subject, first being a Keil Kraft "Ladybird" deisel powered, made while serving in Austria, 1950 -52.
    This is starting to sound like blowing my own trumpet, but is meant to offer my qualifications to help.
    Talk about a mis-spent youth, but its better than some of the things most got up to on a wet and windy night. However that said I also did all the things that that went to having a hectic, fully experienced, growing period.
    Became interested in computers when Clive Sinclair advertised his new home computer for the masses, complete with 32kb of memory, applied for it the day the advert came out, then started improving it the following day, first upping the memory to 64kb, hardly bears thinking about now.
    Most of my later computers I then built myself from the available bits and pieces, to my own spec.
    About three years ago I bought, because of it's high spec, a tailor made ready to run computer, which lo and behold started breaking down all over the place, just outside warranty. A lesson well learnt. It is much better to build your own, its very simply a task of choosing the spec you want and then assembling, which after the short learning curve of finding out the method of assembly. This is much simpler than my first Meccano Set, because of the well documented instruction that comes with each item.
    I think I better stop now before I become too boring.
    Again glad you found my efforts of interest.

  7. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    Your modelling experience is clearly varied! I've never had the knowledge, time or confidence to build anything powered, and I've certainly never ventured into computer-building. I'm definitely orientated to the mechanical rather than the electronic; I should have been born a century earlier!

    Getting off-topic as regards WW2 now, but attached are some photos of my latest completed scratch-built model.
    It is the very first destroyer - the 1893 Torpedo Boat Destroyer HMTBD Havock. The scale is 16th inch to 1 foot [1:192], all components made from scratch except for the anchor chain which was bought in - and some of my modelling friends would have made that themselves!


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  8. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Re. Modelling

    Hi Adrian,
    Just had a look at your model.
    Nice to know I'm not the only modelling nut in the forum.
    I am at the moment tapping out with one hand after an operation on my left.
    Today I shall be having the stitches out, so hope it may be more useful to engage in pastimes in the garage.
    After my visit to Hospital I will check up the ship itself in my collection of books, if my hand permits.
    Possibly before we get slated by Kitty and the others, we had better move any further postings on models to the modellers section.
    I will put a few pictures of my efforts there for you to look at, shortly I hope!!
  9. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Nice work, AR. That's something I've always wanted to try but have no idea where to start. I've always wanted a USN destroyer mounted in a glass case like you see in the movies. Have a Spruance-class DD in 1/350 scale to achieve this end but haven't built her yet. Have considered going bigger but will have to wait until I get a decent-sized study (assuming we build a house in the future!).

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