RAAF, Casualties: All Theatres WW2

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Cobber, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    Howdy, i have been searching for a thread i read a while back that touched on RAAF casualties compared to other Aussie WW2 casualtie's.
    Not being able to find it I have decided to place this here, It deals with RAAF KIA and WIA in WW2, I will post as much as possible though it may take a few days to complete. I also will find the POW numbers for RAAF WW2.

    The toatal Australian Military deaths in WW2 was over 39000, with another 30,000 prisoners.

    over 10,000 RAAF were killed` and 3000 WIA,

    Table A to E shows all major casualties(ie: Casualties that have been reported to the N.O.K) from 3rd Sept 1939 to 15th August 1945. Except for Illnesses not rsulting in death and 631 men who went missing but later returned safely.

    Table A
    (1) RAAF Casualties - Causes

    Air operations excluding know air accidents. 7082

    Known Air Accidents 4496

    Ground Battle 266

    Ground Accidents and other causes 1568

    Deaths from Illness 342

    Total 13,754

    RAAF Casualtie's - Type of Unit

    Operational Squadrons 8884

    E>A>T>S Schools 1070

    O.T.U.S and other flying schools. 1762

    Other Units 2038

    Total 13,754

    RAAF Casualtie's - Musterings.

    Air Casualtie's

    Pilots 5131

    Navigators 2312

    W.A.G.S 2328

    Air Gunners 1210

    Technical Air Gunners 238

    Ground Musterings 358


    Air Crew 399

    Ground Musterings 1778

    total 13,754

    RAAF Caualties - Catagories & Ranks

    Dead or presumed dead: Wounded: Total:

    Officers; 3760; 774; 4,534;

    Airmen; 6802; 2418; 9,220;

    TOTAL: 10562; 3192; 13,754;

    RAAF Casualties by areas to 15th August 1945
    Deaths from illness in brackets.

    DIED: Injured; Total:
    Europe 5397 (26) 947 6344
    Mid East 1135 (9) 413 1548
    Canada 147 (5) 55 202
    India Burma 242 (3) 89 331
    Far East 136 44 180
    Sth West Pacific 3,342 1614 4956(1)

    OPf a total of 1122 non flying personel who died 1009 were in sth west pacific.

    More to come soon.
  2. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Great info Cobber.

    Look forward to the rest to match with my database.
  3. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    Casualtie's to RAAF personel in European Theatre to 15th August 1945.
    DEAD Injured

    Bomber Command 3486: 265:

    Fighter Command 191: 49:

    Coastal Command 408: 113:

    Other forces and units 478: 151:

    OTU's and similar Schools. 724: 298:

    Other training Schools/units 110: 71:
  4. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    RAAF Casualties by years.








    Total Casualties Dead and wounded 13,754
  5. Golden Wattle

    Golden Wattle New Member

    Well researched.
    I don't think the majority of Aussies (particularly the young) realise the extent of the RAAF's casualties.
    Bomber command took a beating.
    I think that is why "G for George" is so loved by the more senior members of the community. It represents a brave and under appreciated part of our military.

  6. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    What I find the most depressing is the number of men killed while training at especially at OTU and of course all other flight schools.
  7. Golden Wattle

    Golden Wattle New Member

    True Cobber,
    A quick reply:
    As much as the training Commanders would have been concerned about safety, I'm sure they were being "pushed" from above to provide aircrew. Then they would have had the "youth" who would push themselves & equipment to enter the war, (before it was over), and they probably didn't have the best equipment, as it would have been needed at the front.

    However you are correct, death of our warriors at any time is sorrowful, but more so in training.
    Remember our SAS in the Black Hawks?

    Lest We Forget
  8. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Cobber, for the figures that were injured, are they those that then got invalided out? As the proportions seem rather small otherwise.
  9. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    I am not sure Kyt, though I suspect you are right and it is those men who did not return to service again.
  10. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    For instance, there were 147 Aussie lads killed in Canada. Only a handful were from action and another small percentage crashed on return from an operation.

    These lads are buried in all of 10 provinces of Canada.
  11. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    My "deaths only" 1939-1945 amount to 10,835 with another 200 that were killed in the RAF and registered as UK deaths on the CWGC database.

    They are/were buried or memorialised in 65 countries.

    1939 23
    1940 140
    1941 582
    1942 2240
    1943 3017
    1944 3454
    1945 1580

    1939 for example:

    There were 15 RAAF and 8 RAF.

    Leaving out the RAF (and two RAF from 1946) they look like this:

    1939 - 23 - 8 - 15
    1940 - 140 - 61 - 79
    1941 - 582 - 30 - 552
    1942 -2240 -24 -2216
    1943 -3017 -32 -2985
    1944 -3454 -34 -3420
    1945 -1580 -9 -1571

    11036 less 198 RAF = 10838
  12. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    I think in my post the figures were all casualties for that year including wounded. Though you probably have more up to date figures than me I just cut and pasted and saved that about two years ago, I think it may be from the archives people, though i am not 100% sure off that.
  13. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    I have stuck with only the deaths as the "inclusive" numbers are getting to high for me to work with and research.

    The above figure includes RAAF/RAF personal who flew with 460sq.


  14. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    Unfortunately our numbers are slightly different, with Spidges numbers showing approximately a extra 200 RAAF dead, as i said i found it and saved it from somewhere, (Archives/AWM) (?). I would think that Spidges numbers are probably more correct than the ones i posted.

    Thanks to Spidge for the work he's doing as it will show people in the future the true figures which now appears to total around 11,000 Aussie Air Men dying in WW2. close to 1/4 of all Aussie military deaths in WW2.


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