So what did you do on this big day? I got woke up at 6am by the kids, its not as if they are small anymore, being 16 and 18 you'd think they would lie in wouldn't you. We opened our pressies and then they did what they do every year and disappeared upstairs to set up their new tv and hi-fi while i cooked the dinner. After they came down for dinner they disappeared back upstairs and stayed there until teatime. Now i know what the poor ladies put up with when us guys sit in our armchairs watching the box and snoozing off our turkey dinners. Sniper
Got called for at 830 to get up, eldest brother vanished downstairs younger brother offered to help me carry down mum's pressies. Opened them all up then spent some time going through them and putting them away. Then had dinner (trifle made me feel sick) then sat down with books was given and sorted all my embroidery into the new bag. Had tea (trifle made me sick) then popped on here to avoid watching Dr Who. Will disappear off at 7 to watch Strictly Special, then probably head back upstairs to avoid more dire TV. Right now just cruising around and listening to the new CD's I got. Oh, also found a present for mum I forgot to wap so will give her that later.
Opened some presents with my daughters just after midnight then off to bed. Up early to go and pick up a car which was for my youngest daughter Ashley. Then round to Airlies' boyfriends place for a snack with his family and open some more presents. Surprised Ashley with the car (Proton Savvy) which was a hoot. Then round to Ashley's boyfriends place to open some more presents. The girls went to the boyfriends family lunches and I went to my Sister in Laws place for lunch at 1.00 with their family. My girls turned up there at 4.00 with a few more cousins and their children and had dinner about six and opened up more presents. Left there at 7.30 with my lot for another drive to my brother and sister in laws house for another get together with another 20 family members and another serving of Turkey, Beef, and everything else. Then, we opened more presents, had some great desserts, introduced a young Canadian lass (Jessie) to our speciality "Pavlova" dessert. She was also getting used to the heat instead of her usual white Christmas. Sat back, relaxed, had some great laughs and got home to bed about 2.00am. What a day! I am here by myself as the girls have gone to the Boxing Day sales. Not surprised? Neither am I! Cheers Geoff