Australians & Allies in Crete

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by spidge, Nov 10, 2007.

  1. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Crete, KphthΣ, Kreta: the battles of May 1941


    Heat haze dances on the little Cretan church with whitewashed walls, bell tower, and terracotta roof tiles. The building stands out from the green coastal scrub that surrounds it on the hillside overlooking a sparking blue ocean. But the scrub includes banksia and wattle and the sparkling blue is not the Mediterranean. The church is at Prevelly Park, where the Margaret River flows into the Indian Ocean. It is a personal tribute by a Western Australian survivor of the battles on Crete in May 1941 to the heroism of the Cretan people and their bond with Australian soldiers.
    The battles for the island of Crete were fought from the second week of May 1941. The island’s British, Commonwealth, and Greek garrison was attacked by German airbourne troops. The defender’s numerical superiority was eventually overwhelmed by the attacker’s massive advantage in logistic and air support. By the end May, organised resistance had broken down. Germans hunted small groups of Allied soldiers abandoned by inadequate evacuation facilities and desperately trying to evade capture.
    German and Italian troops had overrun Greece in less than three weeks in April. As the Axis forces drove the Allies south through the Peloponnese, Allied command realised that Crete must become a target for German invasion. From Crete, Axis naval and air forces would dominate the eastern Mediterranean.
    Around ANZAC Day 1941 Allied forces withdrew from Greece. Some were evacuated to Alexandria but most got only as far as Crete and were used to reinforce the garrison. These troops were battle weary and many had left their equipment behind. The stocks of munitions and materiel on the island were inadequate to resupply them. Poorly-armed and with minimal or no air or naval support, the soldiers faced an enemy fresh from victories across Europe.
    Troops on the shore of Suda Bay awaiting evacuation, April 1941.
    AWM 007815
    One of those evacuated from Greece to Crete was Bernard Freyberg, general commanding the New Zealand Division in the Mediterranean. He expected to stay briefly on the island and then reunite his division in Egypt. Instead, he was given command of the garrison and told to prepare the defence of the island against an expected air and sea invasion.
    Freyberg deployed his forces around the three main population centres on the island's north coast. These had airfields or ports that would be vital to an enemy intending to capture Crete. The largest defended area was in the west, stretching from the airfield at Maleme to the ports at Canea and Suda. New Zealanders held this area, with Australian, British, and Greek units in support. In the centre of the north coast mainly British units, with some Australian and Greek forces, held the capital of Heraklion. Between these two forces, four Australian battalions and a field regiment (artillery) held the area from Georgiopolis to Retimo (Rethymnon), supported by three battalion-strength Greek regiments and local police.
    Without air support, Freyberg ordered his men to make maximum use of camouflage and to be ready to counter-attack against any attempted landing. By mid-May the German Air Force intensified its bombing and strafing of the island, warning the garrison of imminent attack.
    The invasion of Crete began the morning of May 20. Ralph Honner, at the time a company commander with the 2/11th Battalion, described the arrival of the Germans, as seen from his vantage point under the olive trees east of Retimo:
    [It was] a spectacle that might have belonged to a war between the planets. Out of the unswerving flying fleet came tumbling lines of little dolls, sprouting silken mushrooms that stayed and steadied them, and lowered them in ordered ranks into our consuming fire. And still they came, till all the fantastic sky before us was filled with futuristic snowflakes floating beneath the low black thundercloud of the processional planes - occasionally flashing into fire as if struck by lightning from the earth.
    These "little dolls" – German paratroopers of General Kurt Student’s XI Air Corps – were highly trained and motivated. For ten days they, and the elite mountain troops that were sent to reinforce them, hunted and were hunted by the Australian, New Zealand, British, and Greek soldiers, as well as Cretan farmers, townspeople, and police. Fighting was savage and bloody, with little quarter given or asked for. Men fought to the death in solitary duels or major engagements; their bodies cluttered the narrow streets of the towns or lay among the olive trees and creek beds of the countryside. Forty years later, Ted Randolf of the 2/7th Field Ambulance remembered: "A sickly, sweet smell drifted through the area getting stronger until one could taste it in the mouth. The smell was of the dead. I can still taste it. Once it is with you, you never forget it!"
    German parachute troops of the XI Air Corps, over Suda Bay during the airborne attack on Crete, May 1941. One of the glider planes is on fire and about to crash, while another has part of its fuselage shot away. Heavy casualties were inflicted on the paratroopers.

    Read more at the link above.
  2. Oggie2620

    Oggie2620 New Member

    RAF Regiment


    Do you know if there were any Aussies or other commonwealth people in the RAF Regiment? If you can give me some names it might be interesting for my Sgt as he is one of the people who looks after the Regiment Museum here at Honington.

  3. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Hi Dee,

    Not that I am aware of. They were in everything else like pepper and salt.


  4. Oggie2620

    Oggie2620 New Member

    Pepper and Salt

    Thanks for that Geoff it gave me a giggle. Next time they start on about how great the Regt is I will just tell them that they are like Pepper and Salt and make people sneeze!!!!
  5. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    I have been doing quite a lot of research on the Aussies that were listed as United Kingdom on the CWGC site.

    I have about 250 now that died in the RAF. Some are listed on the Commemorative Roll in Australia (for those who were killed in other allied units overseas).

    I have listed a few before but have quite a lot more information on them now.

    Some you would surprise you. These are the first 17 - Their Rank and squadrons. More tomorrow.

    Air Chief Marshal London ATC
    Air Marshal
    Air Vice Marshal
    Air Commodore
    Group Captain 353sq
    Wing Commander 21sq RAF
    Wing Commander 550sq RAF
    Wing Commander 39sq RAF
    Wing Commander 250sq RAF
    Wing Commander 458sq RAAF
    Wing Commander 22sq RAF
    Wing Commander 218sq RAF
    Wing Commander 43sq
    Wing Commander 110sq RAF
    Wing Commander 235sq RAF
    Wing Commander 604sq RAF
    Wing Commander 20sq RAF

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