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Malta Air/Sea Rescue 1941-43

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by willjackson, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. willjackson

    willjackson New Member

    Hi all I'm very new to this, apologies for errors. My Father Bill Jackson based at Kalafrana & St Paul's Bay & wife n I been editing his manuscript on life with asr units (working title What ship?). Soon to publish. Dad died 10/12 2009 (age 86) . Need to cross check bits n pieces. Anyone know if mv Pasteur was in convoy from Gib to Malta 31/7/1941 - 2/8/1941?
    Best wishes
  2. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Hi Will, sorry to hear about your Dad. I haven't found any reference for a convoy leaving Gib around that time on convoyweb. Not to say it didn't happen. I'm probably looking in the wrong place.

    Happy to help. Feel free to PM/email me.

    What references are you using? I can help with some books that might help with the cross-referencing/context.
  3. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    A bit of further digging around Convoyweb has HMTS Pasteur - liner converted into troopship - arriving in Gibraltar on July 19, 1941 as part of convoy WS.9C. However, she departed for the Clyde on Aug 8.

    I have found reference to an Army chap who was on the Pasteur in the same convoy. He disembarked at Gib and then boarded HMS Manxman - fast minelayer which made numerous runs to and from Malta -

    Note the July 23 entry. Suggests/indicates Manxman was travelling with other ships.

    Edit: ah, Manxman was part of Operation Substance. The dates for Substance, according to the link below, are interesting given the diary entries above re Manxman's departure from Gib. Note one of the merchant ships was carrying troops. Of course, this doesn't tie in with your dates from the first post so I'm probably barking up the wrong tree.

  4. willjackson

    willjackson New Member

    Thanks for all your efforts. Brilliant! Dad recalls a sub being rammed and sunk during the convoy . I think that was by Hermione. Bill Jackson, Lofty Davisdon, Geordie Isbister and Geordie Wilkinson were in his draft (701 he says) and all were transferred to a new vessel at Gib when their transport from the Clyde, the Leinster, ran aground (on Algeceiras ? Point I think). I'm certain that Dad arrived in Grand Harbour, Malta, on Aug 2nd.
  5. willjackson

    willjackson New Member

    RAF ASR Malta HSL 107

    Searching for whereabouts of Log for HSL 107 1941-43. Skipper Eric Price apparently sent them to a Fl Lt Crockett who never returned them!!! He later wrote a semi fictionalised 'diary' with almost all names changed. Suspect very strongly that Skipper Price and crrew of HSL 107 were responsible for capture of spy Carmello Borg Pisani and not Crockett as appears in 'official' accounts. Apparently Crocket despised Price as he was ex merchant navy & not RAF trained.
  6. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Interesting and fascinating stuff, Will.

    I found this yesterday but didn't scroll down far enough. Some excellent pics of the convoy and ships involved. WWII/Operation_Substance.htm

  7. willjackson

    willjackson New Member


    Once again many thanks to evceryone. Yes that all confirms Dad's manuscript. Anyone know if HMS Manxman hit anything on that op (Style) from Gib to Malta 31/7 - 2/8/1941?
  8. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

  9. JM

    JM New Member

  10. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Hi John,

    Most comprehensive report. Thanks for posting!


  11. Cobber

    Cobber New Member

    This has been a interesting thread to read, they were such hard days, being bombed, torpedoed or engaged by a enemy ship (especially those of the larger kind) was a constant concern, safety was "No Where" in that area of operations especially during 1940 to 1943 and on wards.
    The bravery of all sailors RN RAN etc and Merchant Navy really is beyond words and the MN who imo, were to many people the forgotten naval force yet possibly amongst the very best and the most important fleet of the Allied side.
  12. willjackson

    willjackson New Member

    Manxman mystery solved and Bill Jackson's book nearing publication.

    The explosion and severe jolt to Manxman which my dad, Bill Jackson, thought was a collision was, in fact, the gunners clearing their barrels ready for action (Reg Gill's dictated memoirs....he and a pal were seated directly under the guns when they were fired. Info from Peoples' war site). This was routine apparently (pers comm Joseph Caruana, Sliema, Malta) the blanks in the barrels being placed there to protect the mechanism from damage by weather and seawater. Air Sea Rescue Malta; a personal account of life with HSL107 during the siege of 1941-43 by Bill Jackson is due to be published Nov 1st. Just finished proof corrections! Managed to get 61 photos in.

    Best wishes

    Dr Will Jackson
  13. Oggie2620

    Oggie2620 New Member

    Cracking. You will have to post a link when it goes on sale!

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