Who is this man and where did he come from ?

Discussion in 'World War 1' started by Michel Knockaert, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    The Alpenkorps returned to the Western Front in 1918. It participated in the Battle of the Lys in April and fought in the Battle of Picardy in the Hundred Days Offensive. In October it returned to the Balkans, where it was at the time of the Armistice.

    I found this war diary for the Alpenkorps .... it mentions other regiments ...... I tried translating with Google translate and I think I have an idea ... but would appreciate somebody else taking a look and see what they can see .... around the 13th of April they were at Lys !!



    Divisions of the German Empire

    Standing divisions:

    Guard divisions: 1st | 2nd | Cavalry
    Regular divisions: 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | 13th | 14th | 15th | 16th | 17th | 18th | 19th | 20th | 21st | 22nd | 23rd | 24th | 25th | 26th | 27th | 28th | 29th | 30th | 31st | 32nd | 33rd | 34th | 35th | 36th | 37th | 38th | 39th | 40th | 41st | 42nd
    Bavarian divisions: 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th

    Divisions raised in World War I:

    Guard divisions: 3rd | 4th | 5th | 1st Guard Reserve | 2nd Guard Reserve | Guard Ersatz
    Cavalry divisions: 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | Bavarian
    Infantry divisions: 50th | 52nd | 54th | 56th | 58th | 83rd | 84th | 86th | 87th | 88th | 89th | 91st | 92nd | 93rd | 94th | 95th | 96th | 101st | 103rd | 105th | 107th | 108th | 109th | 111th | 113th | 115th | 117th | 119th | 121st | 123rd | 183rd | 185th | 187th | 192nd | 195th | 197th | 199th | 200th | 201st | 202nd | 203rd | 204th | 205th | 206th | 207th | 208th | 211th | 212th | 213th | 214th | 215th | 216th | 217th | 218th | 219th | 220th | 221st | 222nd | 223rd | 224th | 225th | 226th | 227th | 228th | 231st | 232nd | 233rd | 234th | 235th | 236th | 237th | 238th | 239th | 240th | 241st | 242nd | 243rd | 255th | 301st | 302nd | 303rd
    Reserve divisions: 1st | 3rd | 5th | 6th | 7th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | 13th | 14th | 15th | 16th | 17th | 18th | 19th | 21st | 22nd | 23rd | 24th | 25th | 26th | 28th | 30th | 33rd | 35th | 36th | 39th | 43rd | 44th | 45th | 46th | 47th | 48th | 49th | 50th | 51st | 52nd | 53rd | 54th | 75th | 76th | 77th | 78th | 79th | 80th | 81st | 82nd
    Landwehr divisions: 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | 13th | 14th | 15th | 16th | 17th | 18th | 19th | 20th | 21st | 22nd | 23rd | 25th | 26th | 38th | 44th | 45th | 46th | 47th | 48th | 85th
    Ersatz divisions: 4th | 5th | 8th | 10th | 19th
    Marine divisions: Marine | 1st | 2nd | 3rd
    Bavarian infantry divisions: 10th | 11th | 12th | 14th | 15th | 16th
    Bavarian reserve divisions: 1st | 5th | 6th | 8th | 9th | 30th | 39th
    Bavarian Landwehr and Ersatz divisions: 1st | 2nd | 6th | Ersatz
    Other divisions: Alpenkorps | Deutsche Jäger | Ostsee
  2. polldollagain

    polldollagain New Member

    Hey Glad I could be of some assistance I've checked through the rest of the details for the Order of Battle and it looks like the 29th 31st, 34th ,49th, 50th, 51st 55th and 61st Divisions were all involved in the Battle of Estaires 9-11 April with either the XI CORPS OR THE XV CORPS FIRST ARMY..
    Did yoiu havemuch joy at Kew ?
  3. spof

    spof New Member

    Hi Annie

    The Alpenkorps were certainly involved!

    It was the VI Army which attacked the area we are interested in and a brief summary of it's commander Ferdinand von Quant can be found at http://www.firstworldwar.com/bio/quast.htm.As I learn more about the whole battle, I'm slowly getting a better idea of which German units were involved.

    I'm not around for the next week but please keep posting your information. It's always appreciated. :)

  4. spof

    spof New Member

    Hi Poll

    I found quite a few war diaries but nearly all of them made no mention of heavy action between the 9th and 13th April. I've been reading the report to Cabinet by General Horne about the 40th, 50th and 55th Divisions and their working with the Portuguese Division on 9th April ans I thnk that is probably the best place to star.

    Anyway, this is a transcription od some random diaries:

    War Diary 2 Kings Royal Rifle Corps – April 1918

    8 April 1918 Quiet day in the line. 5 OR joined the Battn

    9 April 1918 4.15AM The most terrific bombardment started N of the Canal. The enemy attacked 7AM in thick mist. Our sector in the line was fairly quiet. The Detail & Transfer at LE PREOL came in for a considerable amount of shelling. 2nd Lts E.D. GOLDING & H.J. SHAW, 2OR & 6 horses wounded. 3 OR wounded in the line.

    10 April 1918 Heavy shelling on the left. 1 OR wounded. Detail moved to BURBURE, S of LILLIERS. Transfer to ANNEZIN

    11 April 1918 Fairly quiet at the line. Battn occupied in making fire bays for defensive left flank. 2 Lt J.H. CHENEY & 1 OR wounded. 2 Lts HEAD, BASS DCM, GARTON and HARVIE joined the Battn

    12 April 1918 Usual day & work in the line. Detail moved to MARLES Les MINES.

    13 April 1918 1 OR killed in action. Cold & misty day. Usual day in the line.

    War Diary 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders – April 1918

    8 April 1918 Rainy day. A & C Coy work on MAISTRE LINE. D Coy firing on range. B Coy company training.

    9 April 1918 Foggy day. A Coy on range but impossible to shoot on account of fog. C Coy company training. B & D Coy work on MAISTRE LINE

    10 April 1918 Battalion in morning received orders to get ready to go into action. Inspection of Lewis guns etc carried out. Afternoon companies working on MAISTRE LINE

    11 April 1918 Battalion got ready to move to BARLIN HERSIN area but the order was cancelled just as Batt was falling in to move off. At 1PM Battalion embused and proceeded to battle area in neighbourhood of HINGES. Debused in Road LE CAVROY MT BERNENCHON and deployed and moved forward in artillery formation on line of Canal between BOIS de PICAULT & Bridge Head LES CAUDRONS. No enemy encountered. Remained on far side of Canal. Quiet night.

    12 April 1918 Battn Headquarters in front of HINGES. D Coy on the left in PACAUT WOOD to Le PANNERIE FARM. C Coy from PANNERIE FARM & Bridge Head. B Coy along cannal back to drawbridge at AULETTE. A staff car ran into ditchclose to Battlion HQ, consequently artillery shelled. Battalion HQ shifted to adjoining orchard and later into the village HINGES. Late in the day D Coy was ordered to withdraw to grause buttes along cannal bank. In this operation 2 Lt DAVITT was killed. C & D Coy hold bridge heads. A & HQ dig themselves in about 400 yards behind the canal bank on the rising ground.

    13 April 1918 Quiet day slight shelling, rifle fire during the day but enemy seemed far off. Post established on every side of canal. In this elevation B Coy only shot with any opposition. Evening Battn relieved by 1st Battln Royal Warwicks relief complete about 2 AM. Battalion then marched to OBLINGHEM

    War Diary 2nd Battalion Suffolk Regiment – April 1918

    8 April 1918 Training carried out according to attached programme A, Y and Z Coys working in Corps Reserve line

    9 April 1918 Training W & X Coys working in Cops line

    10 April 1918 Training. Y and Z Coys working in Corps line. Warning order received that battalion was on a half hours notice to move.

    11 April 1918
    7AM Orders received to move to HERSIN. See OO62 (Operational Order 62). Cancelled a quarter of an hour before leading company moved off. Stand by to move by bus probable destination near BETHUNE. Dined at 12 noon & companies remained in billets ready to fall in.
    1.15PM Transport moved to GONNEHEM at 1.15PM under BDE arrangements
    4.30PM Buses arrived. Embussing began at once & bus column moved off at 5.30PM.
    7PM Debussed on main road in W14d & Bivouacked. Battn HQ in 2 huts at WGc30
    9.30PM CO & 1 off per company reconnoitred ground in front of HINGES & planned trench for companies to dig. 2OR wounded.

    12 April 1918
    7.45AM W & Y Coys employed 3 platoons each digging trenches. Relieved by X & Z at 3AM. OC W Coy ordered to hold bridgeheads in Q31 & 31 & Intelligence Off went out to reconnoitre as situation was not clear. Bridgeheads occupied & line of canal firmly held with parties of K Edwards Horse & 51st Division.
    9.30AM OC X Coy ordered to hold bridge in P36a & obtain touch on right & left.
    11AM Battn HQ moved to BELLE RIVE in 2V6d. Y & Z moved into fields in V6b & V5b respectively. Battn holding canal from road at W3a7g enclusive to bridge in P36a inclusive. K E Horse withdrew but parties of 51st Div still along canal bank. Touch was obtained with Gordon’s on right & units of 61st Div on left. Situation quiet with exception of sniping from R1EZ.
    Dispositions were then – W Coy on right with 2 platoons in front & 2 with Coy HQ near church at MT BERNENCHON. X Coy on left with 1 platoon along canal, 1 in close support at P36G22 & the other 2 in reserve at V66, Y & Z near Battn HQ as before.
    6PM Orders were received that battalion was being relieved by 11th Bde 4th Div. 7th Rifle Bde were to take over from Bridge in Q31 to bottom right boundary with 2 Coys in front & 2 in support & the Somerset Light Inf from Bridge Q31 to LEVIS Bridge in P29c with 2 companies in front & 2 in support. 6 OR wd.
    Transport moved to ALLOUAGNE.

    13 April 1918
    1.30AM Relief complete. Companies moved into support of 1st G H near HINGES.
    5.30AM Dispositions – Y Coy on right in WGa&b, Z Coy on left in WGa & 8b. W Coy in support in WGc, X Coy holdingtrenches in W17a with 2 platoons and 2 platoons in W15a. Bn HQ W14G58. In touch right & left.
    4PM OC 2nd Seaforth Highs arrived to arrange relief. Advanced parties were sent on to coys.
    8.45PM Seaforths arrived & guides took them up to positions. Relief complete at 11.30PM. Battalion moved back to VENDIN in billets. 1 OR killed 4 OR wd.

    War Diary 12th Lancers – April 1918

    8 April 63 O. Ranks arrived as reinforcements.
    9 April T/2nd Lieut. WA. Stratford koined from the Base and posted to “A” Squadron.
    10 April Two O. Ranks to Hotchkiss Rifle School at GRANDSART. Regiment marxhed North to GENNE IVERGNY in consequence of heavy German attacks on Portugeese and 1st Army.
    11 April Remained in readiness to move, weather greatly improved.
    12 April Marched at midday to MATRINGHEM via HESDIN and FRUGES. Billeted at 1st Army Musketry Camp.
    13 April Marched at Mid-day via BLARINGHEM to LES SCISSEAUX near SERCUS.
  5. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    OK Glen ... I keep going back to the Portuguese ..... :rolleyes: but this has got to be it !!


    Attached Files:

    • lys.jpg
      File size:
      74.8 KB
  6. spof

    spof New Member

    Annie, I've just read that again but now with a little bit more knowledge of the events and this paragraph stuck out

    The seriousness of the situation led the British XI Corps commander Haking to release part of the mounted troops in the Corps reserve to try to help the Portuguese 3 Brigade in slowing down the German advance. Accordingly, the 1st battalion, King Edward's Horse and the 11th Cyclist Battalion were sent to the area of Lacouture, at the southwestern end of the CEP's sector, where some of their soldiers joined the Portuguese 13th Battalion and elements of the 15th in the defence of the village, under the command of Captain Bento Roma. Though encircled and under attack since 9:30 AM of 9 April, the defenders of Lacouture held on until 11:45 AM of 10 April, with 168 Portuguese and 77 British soldiers being taken prisoner.

    If their reports after being released survive, I bet they'd make some interesting reading. Worth looking up do you think? :p

  7. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    I think so !! :)

    I've been trying to check the Bavarian Commandants .... to see if theres any mention of anything ... trouble is most of the stuff is in German ... and I didn't even take that in school !!! :rolleyes:

    Google translate doesn't always do a good job I'm afraid !!
  8. Good evening my friends,

    sorry to have disappeared for a few days, flu had been right to me.

    I have to catch up, I see that you have very well worked.

    very friendly

  9. spof

    spof New Member

    Good Evening Michel

    I hope you are feeling better after the flu and it's nice to see you back. :)

  10. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Michel !

    Go back to bed ... stay warm and get better quick ... we need you here !!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Annie :rolleyes:
  11. polldollagain

    polldollagain New Member

    Hello Michel ...we have missed you .. glad you are better ..
  12. spof

    spof New Member

  13. polldollagain

    polldollagain New Member

    OMG surely not:eek:... NOW WOULDNT THAT BE JUST TOO MUCH !... wow how do you find these things Glen ... Certainly food for thought ....
  14. polldollagain

    polldollagain New Member

    OMG surely not:eek:... NOW WOULDNT THAT BE JUST TOO MUCH !... wow how do you find these things Glen ... Certainly food for thought ....
    Thank you for those diary extracts too Glen ... was worth a try .... ;)
    Sorry Looks like I managed to post twice ... der..
  15. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    OK Glen and Poll ! ... use your German ;)

    How to use the German War Graves database
    by Roland Fogt

    The website for the German War Graves Commission (Volksbund der Deutschekriegsgraberfursorge) has recently undergone some changes. For those searching its database (which is in German only) follow these instructions:
    Go to http://www.volksbund.de/
    Click on "Grabersuche online" at the top of the page
    Click on "zur Onlinesuche >" in the middle of the page
    You will be given 5 boxes to fill in. They are:
    Nachname=Last name
    Vorname=First name
    Geburstdatum=Date of birth
    Todesdatum=Date of death
    Geburtsort=Place of birth
    Fill in as much as possible. Remember to enter dates as dd.mm.yyyy (so July 4th, 2001 would read as 04.07.2001)
    The new search procedures require that a questionnaire be filled out prior to receiving your search results. As a minimum, the items marked with an asterisk must be completed. They are:
    Vorname (First name)
    Nachname (Last name)
    Straße / Nr.*: (Street Address)
    Land / PLZ / Ort*: (Country/zip code/city)
    (If you are interested in completing the entire questionnaire, the translated version is at the end of these instructions)
    Scroll down to the end of the questionnaire and click on "Zur Ergebnisseite"
    You will be taken to a page that includes the address for the Commission and a short note thanking you for your support. Click on "Suchanfrage ausfuhren"
    You will then be given the results. The term "Die Recherche war lieder erfolglos" indicates that no results were found based on the information provided. Possible matches will be listed by last names that are linked to further information. Keep in mind that the database may occasionally be down for maintenance and updating (Wartungsarbeit).
    Once you have clicked on a possible match you will be taken to that
    individuals information page which lists:
    Zum Gedenken (In memory of)
    Nachname (Last name)
    Vorname (First name)
    Dienstgrad (Rank)
    Geburstdatum (Date of birth)
    Geburtsort (Place of birth)
    Todesdatum (Date of death)
    Todesort (Place of death)
    This is followed a short paragraph which describes where the individual is buried, if known. Copy the information and paste it on one of the many online translation services (such as www.freetranslation.com/). The results
    may not be 100% grammatically correct, but it will give you the gist of what you are looking for.

    Ttanslated Questionnaire
    Anrede: (Form of address) Herr Frau
    Vorname*: (First name)
    Nachname*: (Last name)
    Titel: (Title)
    Straße / Nr.*: (Street #)
    Land / PLZ / Ort*:
    Postfach: (P.O. Box)
    Geburtsdatum: (Birthdate)
    Vorwahl: (Area code)
    Tel. Nr.:
    Fax. Nr.:
    interesse: (Interested in Membership?)
    *(bitte auf jeden Fall ausfüllen) *Must be completed
    Indicate your interest in using the database:
    (Grund meines Interesses an der "Gräbersuche online")
    Searching for graves of family members
    (Suche nach Kriegsgräbern von Familienangehörigen)
    Family history research
    (Ich bin Familienforscher)
    Searching for graves of friends and acquaintances
    (Suche nach Kriegsgräbern von Freunden/Bekannten)
    Searching for graves of fellow veterans
    (Suche nach Kriegsgräbern von Kriegskameraden)
    Historical interest
    (Geschichtliches Interesse)
    School or research project
    (Schulprojekt/sonstiges Bildungsprojekt)
    Searching at the request of another person
    (Ich suche auf Bitten/im Auftrag einer anderen Person)
    Weitere Gründe
    (Other reason(s) specify)
    Ihre Meinung zur "Gräbersuche online"
    (Your comments on the online database)
    Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!
    Wir hoffen, dass wir auch Ihnen helfen können
    (Thank you very much for your support!)
    (We hope that we were able to help you)
  16. Good evening all,

    from my (french) Friend Jean-Marie Bailleul's searches :

    " during the German offensive of April 18 - Battle of the Lys-first division of the Bavarian reserve operated on the Ypres - Armentières-La Bassée - Lens
    - At that time the division was as follows:
    - 1st Brigade Bavarian reserve infantry regiments with the No. 1 and No. 2
    - 2nd Brigade Bavarian reserve infantry regiments with the No. 3 and No. 12
    - Reserve regiment cavalry Bavarian No. 1
    - Reserve regiment artillery campaign Bavarian No. 1
    - 1 company Bavarian reserve battalion of pioneers No. 1"

    PS thank you all for your kind words...

  17. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Hi Michel !

    Did you see Glen thought he might have found a name ? ....

    Flieg. Lt. WASSMUS Erich 10.04.1918 bei Estaures a. d. Lys

    But Jean-Marie thinks it was later than that ? April 18 ?

    Annie :)
  18. spof

    spof New Member

    Sorry Annie and Poll if I mislead you. I didn't suggest it as a name but to show the fact there is information on German memorials etc and the battle online.

    Let me find the links again.

    Glen :eek:

    UPDATE: This links to several memorial sites http://forum.genealogy.net/ahnenfor...8037-wichtige-infos-zur-suche-im-1-weltkrieg/

  19. Hi Annie,

    no I did not see...:eek:

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