Unable to add attachments

Discussion in 'Latest News' started by David Layne, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    I attempted to add an attachment but it would not work. Seems the problem is with the server, anyone else experiance this?
  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Have you checked the size of the file, David. Jpegs need to be about 1mb - anything larger and you will get an error message. Try reducing the size first. If you still have problems then let us know.
  3. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    That seemed to do it!
  4. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Can't load att.

    I am so glad you wrote this message.
    I thought it was only me.
    I have tried since joining but with no luck.
    Let me know if you solve it.
  5. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Hi Keith

    I've had a look and I cannot see why you can't attach pictures. Could you try posting a very small picture here as a text. Maybe only a couple of inches across. If that works then it maybe that your pictures are too large. They should be about 1.5mb and not much bigger than the message boxes above
  6. Keith

    Keith New Member


    Hi Kyt,
    I have tried everything to try and load a few items of interest, but to no avail.
    My last try was to load a picture reduced to 5 cm x 4 cm using 136k ?
    still no joy. I will see if it posts on here.
    I click on insert picture frame on toolbar.
    click on manage attachment window trying during various stages to upload the picture.
    I got so fed up I sent to lee@wisener.net but they have not been forthcoming?
    Kyt thanks again for your help, you must be getting fed up.
  7. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Just having a go, Keith, to see if I run into any probs.

    Nope, no probs. Both pics are not large (the Tiggy is 176KB) but I've uploaded/linked much larger pics before. The Beau is off my hard drive and the Tiger is linked off my Photobucket album. Have you tried storing some pics on there and then linking them from here? You might have less sizing problems...maybe, I'm not an expert but I find Photobucket easy to use.

    Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket

    You could even get away from using the "Manage Attachments" section by using [​IMG] at the end. This will embed the pic in the message body rather than an attached thumbnail like below, IIRC. I'll try that now:


    This is what the text looks like (with a bracket removed at the end so the pic doesn't come up again):

    Lee's been a bit crook lately so he's probably snowed under and has missed your email.
  8. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Hi Keith

    Unfortunately Lee was unavailable for quite some time due to ill health and so was not able to use the computer.

    I know you have probably done this before but let me recap:

    1) Click on Go Advanced button on message box
    2) Scroll down to Manage Attachments and click on it
    3) A pop-up window should appear
    4) Click Browse
    5) Another window called File Upload will appear
    6) Locate the picture on your computer and click Open
    7) The details should appear in the box of the Manage Attachments box
    8) Click Upload
    9) It can take anything upto 10-15 seconds for the picture to load and when it has finished the picture name should appear jusr under the two boxes. Only then should you close the box

    10)Preview Post and then Submit Reply - but there must be some text in the message too

    Could you just check the above instructions and see if they are the ones you follow. In the meantime I shall have a look in the Admin panel
  9. Keith

    Keith New Member


    Hi Kyt,
    Thanks for your help once again.
    I didn't know Lee was unwell, if I had I wouldn't have bothered him, his email address was the only on I had as a contact to WWII in my address file.
    David Layne kindly offered to help by asking me to forward to him the items I wished to upload.
    I think I managed to edit my details and avitar? was it.
    Will try again to upload on my own behalf.
    PS Thanks to everone for their help
    The Swaztika was our own National Savings Collectors Identification badge. 1914/18
    The other is a Womens Volunteers badge(WVS) from the same period.
    I think its working!
  10. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Excellent Keith - both attachment and avatar seem to have worked fine. Well done
  11. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    BTW those are interesting badges. I thought the swastika one was German until I saw the english and the shilling mark
  12. Keith

    Keith New Member


    My being able to do this is down to you, thanks.
    Not bad for someone who started with a ZX81( which I modified up 128k)progressing through all the later models from Electron up, finally building my own.
    Now in later life using a ready built Twin Core Medion ( modified to my own spec)
    Hope this dosen't give my age away.
    Again thanks,
    Love the title of Junior Member
  13. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Thanks for your help

  14. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Gosh, a ZX81? I only started with teh Commodore Vic20 with its whole 3.5k memory!!! And that blasted screeching tape recorder.

    And I'm sure the Junior won't last long ;)
  15. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Will love to see that.

    Nostalgair is our resident Moth expert. Here's one of his contributions.


    He is rather busy at the moment and so only pops in every so often but I'msure you could contact him by PM if you wanted to
  16. David Layne

    David Layne Active Member

    Keith wrote.........."David Layne kindly offered to help by asking me to forward to him the items I wished to upload."

    I got your e mail Keith but was unable to open the attachments. This is what I got.


  17. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Cheers Keith, good to see you got the pics up.

    The Tiger in the pic is VH-USB, the first Tiger I was involved with rebuild-wise. I was just the slave labour. I have a few other pics around that I can upload if you like since she's mostly silver.

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