'Falconeyes' banned for showing proof of Holocaust

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Falcon1, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Falcon1

    Falcon1 New Member

    Thanks for the welcome :)
    jrj1701 likes this.
  2. Falcon1

    Falcon1 New Member

    David Icke is a conspiracy theorist yes, and he agree that the Holocaust took place, but that he think that the Jews suffered at the hands of the Illuminati created Nazis, he think it was the Extraterrestrial Draconian reptilian humanoid beings disguised as Rothschilds who funded Hitler's war campaign, Prescott Bush (Bush Jr.'s grandfather) and people behind Bank of England among the Rothschilds allegedly financed Hitler's enormous Nazi military industry, and that Hitler himself as a Rothschild too, according to David Icke.
    What i don't understand is when Icke himself agrees that the Holocaust took place, then he obviously let his own Mods to allow holocaust deniers and Neo-Nazis to operate on his own forum at his website. It's beyond me he let that kind of Mods to work in his own forum. And then i wonder, does Icke himself ever check out his own forum at all?
    That's correct, you can't reason with these holocaust deniers and Neo-Nazis, they've done a great job damaging their own minds, and they do their best in their attempt to damage others' minds too. What a sad sight. So far so good promoting holocaust denial is illegal in 17 countries, and in my opinion the law against holocaust denial should apply to the rest of the world including the Intenet.
    I agree they come up with the most crazy things, and they even ignore evidences and facts, they also ignore testimonies from several Jews who suffered and witnessed these horrors of starvation, horrible experiments of the Jews, mass open air shooting executions and gassings during WWII by the Nazis, and these holocaust deniers and Neo-Nazis even ignore testimonies from the Nazi SS-officers who testified and confirmed these horrors committed by themselves.
    These holocaust deniers and Neo-Nazis are doing a great job turning themselves to be a bunch of pathetic kooks. They should be locked into a psychiatric hospital at least for a while until they have been cured, that's my opinion about these kooks.

    I want to show you a member called 'believenothing' who is among these holocaust deniers, and his mind seems to be so damaged that he sometimes contradict himself like for example on this http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=175373&page=267 page were 'believenothing' in his post #5333 admit that the holocaust is the worst crime ever committed on Earth, and then in his other sentences suddenly contradict himself.
    'believenothing' also contradict himself here on this http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=175373&page=263 page in his post #5243 were he agree with 'mats1' about the existence of the death camps and the murder of the Jews were 'believenothing' says >>Great first post<< to 'mats1', but in his next other posts 'believenothing' then contradicts himself with his own nonsense. Seems 'believenothing' did a great job damaging his own mind.
  3. Falcon1

    Falcon1 New Member

    David Irving was caught by the police in Austria and sentenced 3 years in jail, and he told the court that he is now convinced about the existence of the gass chambers and the killing of the millions of Jews http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2006/feb/20/austria.thefarright http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/4733820.stm
  4. Diptangshu

    Diptangshu Active Member

    I agree and thankful to your constant effort . It (Hc process) was one of the best planned mechanism, performed by an obnoxious regime to eradicate The obstructions they felt, unable to overcome.
    jrj1701 likes this.
  5. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    I just checked Wikipedia on Irving. It seems that his 2006 recanting of the denial of the "Holocaust" was merely a ploy to get a lighter gaol sentence, as he later recanted his recantal. He served prison only until December, 2006, and got early release, and subsequently has refused to pay any imposed fines. It sort of reminds me of a snake sheading it's skin.

    It appears Irving is an unrepentant denier of the crimes of the leadership of NSDAP Germany.
    jrj1701 likes this.
  6. Falcon1

    Falcon1 New Member

    Seems Irving is still attempting to promote his Holocaust denial propaganda... He obviously didn't learn anything from his jail punishment in Austria. Yes, you're right, Irving is really a snake.
  7. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    Falcon1, is it true you are from Minnesota, Minnesota?
  8. Falcon1

    Falcon1 New Member

    Nope, i'm not from minnesota, but i live in Europe

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