...And the very same to you! No fun for this girl, though... ruptured ear drum and infection, and the pain is *intense* so I'm just chilling today. In any case, thank you to anyone here who fought the fight to keep me free in order to continue celebrating Independence Day year after year!
Happy belated 4th of July, I had a good time with my family and friends, nothing like celebrating freedom, after so many people fought so many bloody battles now all we get to do is enjoy the fruit of it. It's wonderful!
I am sorry to hear about that Kate, I hope you are better now. I was never in the US, but I'd love to be there in a 4th of July and feel the atmosphere. Do you think people celebrate just because or do you really feel that it's the independence day?
The 4th of July has always meant more than celebrating our nation’s birthday. It has been a day of reflection on how much my country has changed. I do not agree with all of the social changes my country has gone through these past two decades but our US Constitution is supposed to be a living document. The living go through many changes. Our veterans have experienced severe economic changes negatively. Back in 1971 when my brother was drafted, his pay for basic training was enough to sustain one man. His corporal pay was enough so he could send money back for our mom to save for him. Sergeant's pay was enough to sustain one man wife, and child. What happened? I have read stories of men in those ranks applying for welfare because the pay was not enough to live on. I have also read about those who earn a college education from someplace like U. of Phoenix are no longer guaranteed to move up the ranks so they could eventually qualify for a retirement pension. So, those educated military personnel leave and seek super high paying jobs elsewhere. Those are the kinds of thing I reflect on during the 4th of July.
Thanks for your post Allison, nothing like hearing the testimony of someone that is actually living the holiday to understand the reality of it. To many, maybe mostly younger people, it's pretty much about parties and celebration I believe.
Happy belated 4th! I spent the day at the local lake watching pretty fireworks and enjoying my American freedom. Thanks for everyone that has served/is serving for our freedom!
Happy late 4th! I think I missed it because I just stopped celebrating! Nothing like some good celebrating in honor of our country. This year we went out to the desert to light off fireworks. What sort of traditions do you all observe for the holiday?
Recently in the past few years I have been going to my town's local lake to set off fireworks, that's really the only tradition that I hold right now. Desert fireworks sound awesome though. Less worry of setting things on fire for sure!
I've never been to a desert, but I really want to go see one at night, I've heard the stars are amazing. Fireworks there must be something really special too.
I haven't seen stars in the desert, but in a rural field they are equally mind blowing. You can see so much that is usually hidden by city/street lights.
Yes, in the rural field or in the mountains it's pretty amazing, but I've heard that in the desert it's another thing and with fireworks must be the same.
I agree. The mountains sounds lovely also, I've only been in tall mountains once before when I was young for a vacation, and it was cool seeing everything there.
Yeah there's something that's just different about the desert. It's very spiritual and strange, but it's just a very primal feeling place to be. Especially when beer and explosions are involved.
A little danger is what makes the 4th of July exciting! Juts have to be extra careful if you're drinking, I had a friend who got lifelighted out of the desert after taking a mortar to the face.
Oh no, that doesn't sound good. I hope that they turned out to be okay! Anything in moderation is good, too much alcohol or fireworks can end up bad
The mountains are something impressive and I wasn't very high, only one kilometer high more or less. I think that what really makes a difference is the absence of civilization, the lack of lights makes us look at the sky.