Isis threat to America.

Discussion in 'Other Conflicts' started by lionzfire122, Jul 7, 2014.


Do you think ISIS is a threat?

  1. yes

  2. no

  1. thomas pendrake

    thomas pendrake Active Member

    Well Glory! Praise The Lord! I don't always 100% agree with everything you say, but this post earned a "like" above. If anything, you sound a little reserved in your statement above (I almost said "conservative", but that word is so misused these days, and it certainly isn't very Reich-wing.). The trade-unions get far less coverage than they deserve. The stalking-horse Reagan tried to destroy Unionism in America by shipping so many American jobs overseas. As an actor, he reaped the benefits of Unionism, and became an activist to learn how to destroy Unions. Only one of his great prevarications.
  2. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    It is now half way through the year 2015, and we have a terrorist act in the US. But rather than an ISIS inspired act, this was a Christian-on-Christian attack. I speak of the South Carolina incident where 9 deaths in a church.

    I do not recall any reports of an ISIS attack in the US.
    jrj1701 likes this.
  3. thomas pendrake

    thomas pendrake Active Member

    Christian on Christian? The members of Mother Emanuel AME were/are definitely worthy of the title Christian. Look at the loving, forgiving response to Dylan Roof which they displayed. But Dylan Roof has no claim on the term, any more than Adolf Hitler did. He desecrated the term, just as he desecrated the Confederate battle flag. Lies to the contrary, many Black Southerners fought for that flag, not to defend slavery (for the most part) but to protest the plunder of the South by the North. The agriculture of the South was the primary source of American wealth, most of which ended up in the North. This was Satan against Christians.
    If you doubt the reality of Satan, you are just plain blind. He loves to pervert religion.
    Check the news, there are ISIL and other Islamic radical attacks on a regular basis. Fortunately for the U.S. so far we have stopped the approximately 50 attempted terrorist attacks on American soil. The ISIL tactic is to inspire lone wolves, as opposed to the Al Quaeda tactic of training agents for well planned attacks.
  4. jrj1701

    jrj1701 Member

    Another possible reason for ISIL/ISIS not hitting the U.S is that we are supplying them with their means to wage war in Syria so they won't bite the hand feeding them as long as we are not interfering in their meal.
  5. thomas pendrake

    thomas pendrake Active Member

    Did the Intel about the U.S. supplying arms to ISIL come from Fox Views? Considering that many attempted strikes have been thwarted your reply makes no sense. ISIL may use military strikes where they have troops, but they use lone wolf strikes elsewhere. Just look at the recent strikes elsewhere .
  6. jrj1701

    jrj1701 Member

    @thomas pendrake I don't get my news from Faux News, yet I have read some stuff here and there, there are some who believe that the Charlie Hebdo attack was a false flag op. There is also rumblings from the tin hat crowd that some of the supposed attacks thwarted by the U.S. was engineered by the law enforcement officials, tis easy to find an angry unstable young man to manipulate. Also the U.S. has been supplying ISIS/ISIL indirectly (want to buy a used Iraqi assault weapon, never been fired and dropped only once). There is indications that the U.S. supported ISIS/ISIL factions against Gaddafi in Libya and we cannot be totally sure that the rebels that the U.S. is helping in Syria are not aligned with ISIS/ISIL.
  7. thomas pendrake

    thomas pendrake Active Member

    Don't tell anyone else, but I can get you a good deal on some land here in Florida. Slight drainage problem. Check the timing on ISIL and Gaddafi. Some people blame the rise of ISIL on the fall of Gaddafi, just as some blame the fall of Saddam Hussein for the rise of ISIL. But that is a case of the lesser of two evils. Hitler helped keep Stalin in check.
  8. jrj1701

    jrj1701 Member

    Yet the U.S. backed Stalin over Hitler, and comparatively Stalin was the worse of the two evils. We need to tend to our own knitting and quit getting into situations where we are given that choice between two evils.
  9. thomas pendrake

    thomas pendrake Active Member

    The word is "irony". I see that you are a fan of Neville Chamberlain.
  10. jrj1701

    jrj1701 Member

    Not exactly. I honestly believe that our help in the middle east is a comedy of errors and that we should repent.
  11. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    JRJ, Thomas, am I going to have to stop this car? Settle down, kids.

    Remember the Soviets and the Germans co-operated militarily in the mid-1930s before the Germans renounced the Versailles Treaty

    As far as "lone wolf" operatives for ISIL/ISIS, I live blocks from one "cultural centre", I know where the most active restaurants are, and I know of many Halal markets. These places exist, and I speak Arabic, but there is very little real "terrorist recruitment" evident. But I admit I am not looking for it either -- let the FBI do it.

    What there is is the sending of money overseas. Allegedly these remittances are going to families, but...........
    jrj1701 likes this.
  12. thomas pendrake

    thomas pendrake Active Member

    Isolationism has gotten this nation into at least two world wars. We have never been able to rely on the two oceans to protect us, and we now have cyber-space to contend with. Again, I remind everyone of Neville Chamberlain. Think, I will provide some guidance but you must do the thinking inside your own skull. Its like demanding that the Iraqis supply the ground troops. Perhaps I can supply air strikes, but I will not do all the work. I'm not getting paid enough.
  13. jrj1701

    jrj1701 Member

    I have a question @thomas pendrake : What would have happened if we had stayed out of the world wars?
  14. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    2 July, 2015, Washington D.C.

    There was a confused report of an incident at the US Naval Yard this morning. Aparently hundreds of 'units' of police of various stripes were called out. Many of these were seen on TV in combat gear. But there actually was reports of some kids jumping a fence and no shooters.

    If the American police are going to react in like fashion, and also randomly shoot US Citizens (Blacks), I think I have more to fear from the Police than ISIS/ISIL.
    jrj1701 likes this.
  15. thomas pendrake

    thomas pendrake Active Member

    I'm not sure of the effect of staying out of WWI, But staying out of WWII would have resulted in the fall of America due to axis assault. A world dominated by Hitler and Hirohito would have been horrific. If you have any doubt of that you are totally out of touch with reality.
  16. jrj1701

    jrj1701 Member

    Take a closer look at WWII, yes we needed to respond to Japanese expansion and aggression, yet that was the only threat to the U.S. Our involvement in the European theater was not necessary, all we did was shorten the war and prevented the Soviets from controlling more of Europe, yet Hitler doomed Germany with his bungling of Operation Barbarossa and after Hitler invaded the Soviet Union Germany was no longer a threat to the U.S.
  17. thomas pendrake

    thomas pendrake Active Member

    Had we not supported Great Britain and Russia, Hitler would have overrun Europe. Eventually we would have had to face Hitler. It is possible that avoiding WWI would have prevented the treaty of Versailles, which planted the seeds for WWII in Europe. But once Hitler became a fact, it was a fact that could not be ignored. Stalin never possessed the spear point. The spear of power may have been a myth, but the myth represents a level of evil that cannot be ignored
  18. jrj1701

    jrj1701 Member

    @thomas pendrake Stalin might not have had the spearpoint, yet he did have a treaty with Japan and Japan was too busy with other things, that thus allowed Stalin to concentrate his vast military resources on Germany. All we were doing was keeping Stalin from controlling more of Europe.
  19. thomas pendrake

    thomas pendrake Active Member

    Just as we armed Great Britain,we also helped arm the Soviet Union, especially in armament design. At first Soviet citizens welcomed the Germans, until they realized that the Germans weren't liberating them. Had the U.S. not saved England, Hitler could have been successful in conquering England, then Russia (as long as he paid attention this Napoleon's errors). Luckily for Great Britain, Roosevelt had the good sense to see Hitler for the threat that he was. And the attack on Pearl harbor alonng with the war declaration by Hitler got us into the war.
    Do you know what spearpoint I was referring to? The spearpoint from the spear used to pierce Jesus, the spear of power. One of the first things Hitler did when he came to power was to seize the purported spearpoint from the museum possessing it.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
  20. jrj1701

    jrj1701 Member

    @thomas pendrake of course we sold material to the Soviets and the British, and of course the politically correct history that the masses preach as the gospel states that we were needed in the European Theater, yet in actuality this was not the case. I keep saying that Germany was through once Germany invaded the Soviet Union, all the U.S. did was hasten the end of the war. If we had stayed out of the European war we would have kept selling material to Britain and the Soviets and used the resources generated to build our military.

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