Hello to all. My name is Anthony I am 34(35 on Monday so i will stick with the 34 till then), married with 2 kids and have been absorbing WW2 since i can remember.I only found your site by accident but I am very impressed with what i have seen and look forward to my time on here very much.
Welcome to the forum Anthony. Look forward to your posts. My birthday is also on Monday so we both have a good or bad start to the week.
Welcome Anthony, great to hear you've been enjoying the forum. I am looking forward to your posts. I haven't made 35 yet! LOL.
Don't know about you Spidge but i am of out to celebrate/commiserate turning 35. I don't think I will be able to type later on in the day.
35? Only a pup yet enjoy it while you can and welcome beesa hope you find this as interesting and informative as I have and look forward to your postings Rod
I was supposed to be going out with the family tomorrow night however three of them are sick so I might have to celebrate/commiserate on my own.
35? I've got approximately 6.5 years to go yet :> Welcome to the forum Anthony, Im sure you'll enjoy it here.
Welcome to the forum Anthony, enjoy your birthday and i know you'll enjoy your time here with these guys and gals. Sniper eep: