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I would at least hope his decision was not about money. I do not think personal finances and career a good reason to make such s statement unless...
I don't think they ever truly ended the war. They are no longer fighting, but they did not come to true peace. There has always been some sort of...
I can't answer all of that, and we can't get inside his head. But not wanting to kill others is certainly a possible reason. Generally people don't...
A lot of people got out by being in college and maintaining good grades. That wasn't an option for those who couldn't pay tuition though. I know one...
I have not seen the film yet, am probably going to wait to rent the dvd so I can be at home in a safer feeling environment. If you have seen this...
Thanks so much. I was about to mark them all as spam since I don't read them. I am happy to just come to the site rinsed what's new.
That happened not too far from where I live. There is actually a novel about this called Cloud Atlas. It was about a man in Alaska whose task was...
I was forced to watch this by my HS history teacher, I was pretty severely traumatize and almost became a pacifist as a result.
That sounds really interesting. I have not seen any recent Russian movies at all. I am definitely interested in their perspective, especially given...
Thanks, that's fascinating. You don't hear much about French aircraft in general, so this is nice to see.
The name isn't ringing bell with me, who was involved in it? I may know about it but am just not remembering by the name.
The level of corruption in the Mexican government right now is truly astonishing. I have no doubt there are a number of people in government who are...
Nice video. Had no idea there was such a thing.
They murdered people because they were annoying someone with their volume? Are you kidding me??? I hope that really wakes up anyone in Mexico who...
Separate names with a comma.