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Oh come ON! Are you KIDDING me?! Well now, what in the world is Kate worked up over this time, huh? I'll try to type this out as a responsible...
You said: > knowing that opposing side both possess these devastating, they are more > willing to try to come to an amicable solution....
Yes... I just keep thinking "there are none so blind as those who refuse to see". I probably paraphrased that somewhat, but the thought is the same....
I'm not quite sure if I can manage a swing-around to Sharpsburg (Antietam) next month while traveling or not... but I hope so! They have some events...
Yes, that was my answer, too... and for these same reasons. I have to admit though, and said so in the past, that I don't have nearly as much...
Very true, Theodore... very many of those office jobs aren't just meaningless "can't do anything else, let's stick 'em at a desk" positions, but...
I just wanted to say thank you for this thread... one of the things I enjoy most in life is learning new things. As I've admitted here more than...
Welcome, Theodore! It's good to see you here. Just jump in on any interesting conversations you see and I'll be looking forward to reading your two...
It's hard to imagine the number of limbs that were amputated during the Civil War... they did it so often. Sometimes for what would be considered...
Planning to be in Gettysburg on Valentine's Day? I could only hope, but I won't be able to make it. Anyhow, as part of their 2016 Winter Lecture...
Oh Nailah, Nailah! The truth you have spoken here! Wouldn't it be nice (and bizarre after what we all know and have seen in the past!) to have...
Nope, nope. I do not believe that "all soldiers should do at least some dangerous work." What would that accomplish? If someone doesn't want to...
If you're looking in at the forum and haven't said anything yet, please introduce yourself... I'd love to get some lively and thoughtful...
Good morning, all! I'd like to hear your thoughts on something that's been a dilemma to me for a long time now. It's one of those pieces of sand...
Some of my Gettysburg boys' stories strike a stronger chord with me than others, although they're all special and need to be remembered. There's...
For the Civil War, you would need to search for specific regimental rosters... sometimes there are pictures of documents, yes... but there are TONS...
Ummmm... with all due respect, Stonewall Jackson is not on the $20 bill... he's Thomas born in 1824. Andrew Jackson, who appears on the money, was...
Good morning, everyone! Just a note to say that I'm back on the forum and looking forward to resuming some of the intriguing conversations we used...
Sadly, Andy, that kind of story was far too common. People used to have *picnics* while they were overlooking the battles. It's hard to comprehend,...
I'm glad you enjoyed it, nailah783... you're right, it could apply to other wars as well. Actually they have since changed some of the footage and...
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