253 mgc ww1

Discussion in 'Regiment Histories' started by Robert 253 MGC, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. Robert 253 MGC

    Robert 253 MGC New Member

    Does anybody know where to get any history of the 253 Machine Gun Company - WW1 - France and North Russia???
  2. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Hi Robert and welcome ! :)

    Are you looking for something or someone in particular ? this is what I found ....

    In Aug. 1918 253rd Coy were in South Russia

    253 Coy's history is - chequered ! Formed in the UK Nov 17; originally 214 Bde of 71 Div; transferred to 67 Div in Feb 18, thence (same month) to '214 Special Bde'. Went to Russia as part of 201 Bn MGC.

    201 Bn formed for N Russia service by 'special enlistment' (i.e. volunteers) in April 19; included 40 Guardsmen, Australians & Canadians. Many of the latter had left the AIF/CEF and enlisted in the British Army to go to Russia.

    Battalion disbanded in Oct 19.


    Following the armistice with the Ottoman empire, Britain sent troops from Macedonia to secure Constantinople and the Straits. In addition, troops were sent eastwards to Turkish ports on the Black Sea and into Caucasus region of Russia to influence the outcome of the struggle against the Bolsheviks. Units of the Indian Army provided part of the garrison in Turkey.

  3. Robert 253 MGC

    Robert 253 MGC New Member

    Thank you and appreciated for your prompt response.
    This is what I know:
    Reference: The Inns Of Court Officers Training Corps during THE GREAT WAR
    Edited by LT.COL. F. H. L. ERRINGTON, C.B., V.D.
    Printed and Published by Printing-Craft Ltd 4 Bloomsbury Place London W.C. 1
    This is a record of the Officers Training Corps up to 27 July 1919

    Extract from page 238
    LIPP, George Allan Stuart
    6/1/9113, 24/1/16; M.G.C., C/S, 25/11/16; M.G.C., 24/3/17; F,NR; Lieut.; w ; M.C., Croix de Guerre.
    Vlottenburg, Cape Province, South Africa.

    Explanation of entry
    Regimental number 9113
    Served in 6 and 1 companies
    Joined the OTC on 24/1/1916
    Went on to the Machine Gun Corps Cadet School 25/11/1916
    Commissioned to the MGC 24/3/1917
    Served in France and North Russia
    Attained the rank of Lieutenant
    Awarded Military Cross and Croix de Guerre

    He was lightly wounded at Ypres 3 (Croix Guerre (Belgium I think)) and eventually returned to the UK to recover. Attended the above OTC and was then moved to Murmansk (saw action at Seghda(?) MC) (North Russia).
    Basically, I have the above and some stories including the book The Murmansk Venture Major-General Sir C. Maynard. Which does not really talk about the Machine Gun Company but about the whole Venture with an odd snippet of the doings of the MGC. My ultimate objective is my father's medal card(?) and service record(?) as well as some history of the unit he served in. I have a suspcion that when he was in France that it might not have been the 253 MGC.
  4. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Well I've found a couple of things .... but I'm still looking ! :)

    Medal card of Lipp, George Allan Stuart

    Machine Gun Corps Second Lieutenant
    Machine Gun Corps Lieutenant


    L G - Issue 31062 published on the 10 December 1918. Page 5 of 10


    LG - Issue 31797 published on the 24 February 1920. Page 7 of 12


    Attached Files:

    • lipp.jpg
      File size:
      46.1 KB
  5. Dolphin

    Dolphin New Member

    The 201st Bn, MGC is briefly mentioned a few times in Bolos & Barishynas - Being an account of the doings of the Sadlier-Jackson Brigade, and Altham Flotilla, on the North Dvina during the Summer, 1919 by G R Singleton-Gates. The book was originally published in 1920, but recently re-printed.

  6. Robert 253 MGC

    Robert 253 MGC New Member

    Thanks Gareth
    Don't know these places - are they Middle East / Turkey or thereabouts??? (They sound like it)
    My father was not in that area - just France and North Russia (Murmansk)
    Thanks for the response
  7. Robert 253 MGC

    Robert 253 MGC New Member

    Thanks liverpool annie
    While I am new to the National Archives I found the site difficult (not intuitive) and kept going around in circles without achiving anything. Appreciated.
  8. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

  9. Robert 253 MGC

    Robert 253 MGC New Member

    Thanks Gareth. It all adds to the big picture - appreciated.

    liverpool annie - I have (Box Brownie) phtographs (no names just general identification) taken by my father of his time in North Russia. Do you know if anybody would have an interest???
  10. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Have an interest ?? ..... is the Pope Catholic ?? :eek:

    How wonderful Robert ! I for one would love to see them !

    You should start a web page with a Memorial biography of your Dad also ...... and include all the information you're finding !

    Annie :)
  11. Robert 253 MGC

    Robert 253 MGC New Member

    That memorial page would be part of a family tree posting - working on it. And, will have to ask my son how to do that. South African Rand does not buy much in pounds.
    In due course, I will need some advice on how to get the photos onto the web in a decent amount of detail to make them worth while. You probably know the answer already - I am just begining to get to the starting post.
  12. Dolphin

    Dolphin New Member


    Bolos was a contemporary term for Bolsheviks and Barishynas were Russian women - who often worked as labourers behind the Allied/Anti-Bolshevik lines.

    The book is downloadable (if that's a word) for free at: http://www.archive.org/details/bolosbarishynasb00singrich


  13. Robert 253 MGC

    Robert 253 MGC New Member

    Liverpool Annie - I have not forgotton about the Pope! :) Have been setting up a Family Tree site - this takes me time, lots of it.
  14. Robert 253 MGC

    Robert 253 MGC New Member

    Hi Liverpool Annie.
    Thanks. You may remember me from 2009. Per blog above we discussed ww1 war photos (North Russia, Murmansk / Archangel). Nothing further happened until late last year when I was "found" by the Machine Gun Company History Project (which you probably know about - as this research is a small world) who were very interested in both the photos and my father's experiences. Thanks. Robert 253 MGC :)

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