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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by vashstampede, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. vashstampede

    vashstampede Active Member

    I am Vash.

    I am into all kinds of military history from ancient to modern time, as well as possible future conflicts. WWII and modern day conflicts are definitely my favorite discussion topics.

    Although I am not a warmonger, I just like to discuss what have already happened and what might happen in the future. :)

    I really wish there are sub-forums for talking about more modern conflicts as late as recent and current ones. It would also be nice to have sub-forum for "possible future conflict" or "imaginary scenarios".

    Discussion is interesting to me and it is for fun. If somehow we have disagreement on something, please take it easy. We are just having fun. :p I look forward to hear different opinions. As well as corrections on historical facts/data when I am wrong. :)
  2. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Administrator Moderator

    Welcome aboard Vash, thanks for posting an introduction. It's great to have you with us!
  3. novasparker

    novasparker New Member

    Hi Vash! I love a good debate and there is no better place to get into a good, educated debate than on a history forum...especially when military tactics are involved. I agree with you though, about the disagreement thing. Hopefully everyone here is nice, even when they think you're wrong! Lol. Because I am probably going to be wrong ALOT.
  4. xStylezx

    xStylezx New Member

    Hello there Vash! Great to see you here on the forums. I too love a spirited debate, especially on history. So far everyone here has been friendly to me, so I doubt you will have any problems at Militarian.

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