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Important announcement

Discussion in 'Latest News' started by The General, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. The General

    The General New Member

    I am pleased to announce that these forums are now associated with--and are sponsored by--the magazine Patriots of the American Revolution. Published in Yellow Springs, Ohio, Patriots is about the only mass market magazine on the American Revolution. Here is a link to the http://www.patriotsar.comwebsite. More information will be coming soon as to how the magazine's sponsorship will help make these forums a better place.

    Susan and I will continue to administer and moderate the site, so from that perspective, nothing will change.

    Also, I have been appointed the Book and Media Review editor for the magazine, which will be ramped up over the course of the next several months. I'm excited about it, and I'm excited about the prospect of making a success of a magazine dedicated to the American Revolution.

    Please check out the Patriots web site.

  2. benjamin

    benjamin New Member

    Tim Jacobs--the Editor of Patriots of the American Revolution--and myself would like to thank Eric for all of his help. We are incredibly excited to have him on board as the Review Editor. His passion for the subject matter is contagious, and we honor his enthusiasm.

    Benjamin Smith
    Associate Editor
    Patriots of the American Revolution

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