Tattoo Help

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by sgt petts, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. sgt petts

    sgt petts Member

    I need help finding a right tattoo to have done on the side of my right foot.
    I have never had a tattoo done before, but have finally plucked up the courage to get one done. (on one of the most painful areas :noidea:)

    I am trying to find a tattoo of a Poppy.
    Not too big.
    Not sure if to have some words :noidea:

    Any ideas guys?

    Cheers :>
  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Firstly, OUCH!!! I've got three tattoos but all on the fleshy parts on my arms. I've always wimped out on the boney areas.

    Dirstly you need to decide how big it will be. If it's between one and two inches you will be better off with a stylised outline one. Something as intricate as a poppy, with it's shades of red and black will lose definition IMHO.

    However, there are a number of pictures on the web of poppy tattoos to choose from. Go to google>images and try poppy+tattoo

    I liked this one:

  3. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Or a combination like this

    Attached Files:

  4. sgt petts

    sgt petts Member

    Thanks Kyt,

    I like the first one, but it's a bit big (only size 5 feet lol)

    I found this one, but feel it's missing something.

    Second one too Butch, but would be great on a man.

    Last one not too sure. :noidea:

    What do you think of the first one?

    Sgt Petts :)
  5. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    The first one in your trio looks nice but does require good shading skills. That'll depend upon the skills of your chosen tattooist. It maybe an idea to take a few samples and ask them to draw them free hand - if they can't do that then find another tattooist.
  6. sgt petts

    sgt petts Member

    Kyt I was hoping Barry Levene still does tattoo's.
    He used to do tattoo's for films etc...

    But I would like to find one with black in the middle.
    Off to do a search.

    What are your tattoo's off?
  7. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    Sgt, i would be wary of having a tattoo done on your foot. a few girls at my uni had the outlines of stars done on their feet, and it always looked dreadful. Never does look right. Also you will be unable to disguise the tattoo if you need to wear smart shoes for a 'Do' such as a wedding etc. Maybe have the tattoo done on your hip?
  8. sgt petts

    sgt petts Member

    Hello Kitty,

    Thanks for the advice.
    I have been thinking about this log and hard for years lol.
    Decided against shoulders, wrists, arms, belly and back.
    Thigh or hip I want the London Irish Rifles badge, in memory of Sgt Petts But was put off because everyone said I will look like a drink lots of Guiness. :noidea:

    On my foot it will be low down, running along where my little toe is.
    Of course if I wear open sandals or flip flops you'll see it, that's why I want a pretty red poppy.

    Sarge :becky:
  9. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    thank god for that, i thought you were going for the full side of your foot.
  10. sgt petts

    sgt petts Member

    God NO!!!!!!!!! :boom::jaw: Less is more

    I want something almost hidden, but if I wear sandals of flip flops you'll see it.
    I got my son to draw on my foot, to make sure I'd like it.
  11. Ferhilt

    Ferhilt New Member

    This one has me boggled... exactly what part of the body is that. And yes, ouch... I hate needles :)
  12. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    I can't believe that you are going to allow someone to even approach you with a needle unless it were 1000% necessary!

    p.s. I thought the first was the nicest - can't you get a page of transfers?
  13. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Err, that is the right hip

    (and oops I hadn't looked at the picture properly.....has been edited appropriately...apologies all)
  14. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    don't worry I hadn't noticed either.

    Sarge, what about the legion poppy? That's nicely stylised, is identifiable almost instantly as a poppy and would work small
  15. sgt petts

    sgt petts Member

    Me neither :heh:

    I did originally think of that Kitty, but not sure it would look good on my foot.

    It would look good on the ankle, but I DO NOT want one there :peep:

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