Filming of D-Day

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Golden Wattle, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. Golden Wattle

    Golden Wattle New Member

    Whenever I watch WWII footage, there is the same footage over & over again.
    The soldier with the pack sniped, (by the looks of it).
    The British in the landing craft near the building.

    I have heard that all of the footage of the numerous American cameramen were lost (dropped) into the ocean by a colonel. (Although an accident a criminal one).

    But what about footage of Gold, Juno and Sword?
    Does this footage exist?
    Why do we never see it?

  2. mathsmal

    mathsmal New Member


    It might be that this footage is 'public domain' which means it is free to use and lots of film archives hold copies?

    There is probably a lot of stuff gathering dust in archives. There are a few shots here which may be of interest:
    Framepool - The Footage Collection Run By Filmmakers - Professional Stockshots, Archival Resarch and Rights Management

    I've never seen any of this footage before:

    I think the dropped camera was the film taken by Frank Capra?

  3. Golden Wattle

    Golden Wattle New Member

    Thanks Mathsmal,
    I didn't consider copyright.
    Great websites thanks.


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