Polish War Memorial

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Kyt, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Some of you may have seen the news about Google Streetview. Kitty, Andy and I had a bit of a laugh the other night as I tried to show them around Bristol.

    Anyway, I was just looking at my old neighbourhood and remembered the Polish War Memorial

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  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    And the gate guardian at RAF Uxbridge

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  3. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Is that a reflecting pool in front of the plinth? That'd make a nice photo on a still day.
  4. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Yes it is. This si a much better picture of it

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  5. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    Oh that's very good. Lovely backdrop too.
  6. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Errr, sort of lovely backdrop. To the left and behind the memorial is RAF Northolt (the boundary fence is literally running behind the memorial). To the right, with the old building in the background is the start of a busy residential road.

    The cameraman is standing on the edge of the designated area for the memorial and directly behind him is a very busy roundabout that crosses the A40 dual-carriageway.

    It's a landmark used for directions (everyone refers to the roundabout as the Polish Memorial roundabout) but very few people actually turn off to visit the memorial itself. I used to pop down to it every so often with some Polish friends and others, when I was at college. Unfortunately, at that time, I never thought to take photographs. One day I intend to go back and take ones of all the names engraved on the semi-circular wall directly behind the memorial itself).
  7. Jerome

    Jerome Member

    Kyt: Was the pond in front of the Memorial always there? I was stationed at Northolt in 71-73 and I can't seem to remember that pond. In that same period there were about 20 or so ex-Polish M.Nav, M Pilot stationed there working at the No 1 AIDU. Since I was but 18 at the time I regret now never really chatting with them about their wartime stories.
  8. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Jerome, I honestly don't know. I have a feeling that a fair bit of work was carried on it during its enclosure, when the roundabout/underpass was built - I believe that was sometome in the late 70s/early 80s. But I didn't visit until the mid to late 80s when I had a car. And now I can't remember whether the pool was there then - went there so many times, or past it until 6 years ago when I moved to Bristol, that all memories of the place are blurred into one.

    You must remember the Spitfire gate-guardian at the main gate that was on the A40. That entrance was still there uptil quite recently but looking at google maps I notice that it seems to have been blocked off now
  9. Jerome

    Jerome Member

    Doesn't seem to make sense to block off the A40 exit. Air Movements was at that side of the airfield - probably just kept locked for security purposes, otherwise all pax from Movements would have to cross the 'active' to get to the West End Road Entrance. I'm trying to remember whether that gate (A40) remained open or only opened when we had pax movements - ah old age
  10. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    When I used to drive past the A40 entrance it used to be just the pole barrier during the day. It used to allow me to have a quick glance at the Spit everytime :) On most days when I was doing my Masters I'd get to see that one and then the RAF Uxbridge one, when driving to uni. Ah happy days
  11. 309sqd

    309sqd New Member

    What about the fantastci memorails in Warsaw Poland then - I have the pictures, but not a clue how to load them for you to see?


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  12. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

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