During WW2 Betty's Cafe in York was the haunt of many crews of Bomber Command stationed in Yorkshire. Bomber Command crews wrote their names on a mirror and I have shamelessly stolen those names from another forum and am posting them here. The Names on the Mirror J. Abilies Flight Sergeant D.F.Allen, 408 Squadron F.M. Anderson, Penwortham, Lancashire R.M. Arevetham Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand, 27.04.40 M. Ashton, 1st North Riding, Strensall, York John Averwell G.C. Baldwin, F.A.A. Squadron, S.K.U.A.S. N. Ballantyne Charles Barbein, D.C. Butch Barton 03.07.39 Geo Aubrey Barton Guy Barton John H. Barton H.S. Bath F. Beckwith B. Beetmont Flight Sergeant R.G. Bell 408 Squadron All Bellingham G.V.Berf Ray Berlsheiser A. Betty, 1948 W.F. Beverley General Carl Bin S.B. Bird R.B. Birken M. Bitherlang, Mayoress of Leeds, 1936 A.C. Blair, 1235688 Hutch, Holme on Spalding K. Bloor W.N.C.A. Bonnally, B/A R.A.A.F. G. R. Adam Allan Allison Pillipha Ann, 1942 N. A. Arnold, 1939 Sanib D. Arthur R.H. Aulton C.S. Awin Richard Backwell Billy Bangwell Discip Barney G. Barries Geo Y.W.D. Barton John Barton C. A. Basket P. Baxter E.V. Bedford E.V. Belapour W.F. Bellerby T. Belt Ted Benson J.H. Berrin E. Bettys Billy Joan Binkers Derek Birdes Criss Biscomb A.C. Bloom H.E. Bloor Bob R. Bond Boucard, Joseph, (Sailor) Nantes, France Goe T. Boyes E. H. Bradley, K.D.G. S.C.O.M. Bradwell, 1st North Riding A.T.S., Strensall Camp 1939 G.H. Brewer F.H. Bright J. Brook A. Basil Brown G.H. Brown L. Brown R.E. Sapper Brown L.F. Brunt H. Buaan Derek Buder Sergeant Bullingen B.L. Burne Frederick Bush G. Butler Al Bryson R.H. Cairns D.M. Cameron, South Rhodesia J.A. Campbell, R.C.A.F. Alberta, Canada M. Carley Andrew Castle, Cloumbus, Ohio U.S.A. L. Cawood J. Clark R. Clayton Sandy Carlos Clarke, 23rd Hussars R. Clough G.R. Colt Bin R. Boredg K. Boyes J. R. Bradley, Scarborough W.L. Brewin Audrey Brocklebank J. Browerken Christine C. Brown Jean Brown Meb Brown G. R. Bruckshank, F.A.A. Squadron, S.K.U.A.S. Taffy Bruten, 231 Squadron D. Buckton J. Bucket J. Burkton Geoff Burnley Geoffrey R. Butcher Betsy Butson Jast Byer Camerons, 1940-1946 E.J. Canham Bob Canton Margaret Carlyle-Ball L. Carter Chuck M.Clark T. Clarke, London F.H. McCleary C.R.P. Cole G.W. Paul Cambe, IIIIXXXXX J.T. Common W.A. McConnell Len Cooke R.A.F. Engineer J.H. Wilson Cooper G.M. Copeland H.J. Corer M. Could Reg. Cowling C.S. Graig Tom Cramer Switzerland Even Cranswick Tom Creson G. Croot Wests Australia, R.A.A.F. E.J. Cunham R. M. Curray G.W. Daniels M.B.E. R.L. Davis M.W. Day Dagwood Diving Margaret Dodds Newcastle Bud McDonald-R.C.A.F. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada J.F. McDonald J. Dook Ray Doral Ami Dougall Cyril Dowler 1941 E.S. Dudley J.W. Duggs J. Dullan K. Dunn J.V. Dyson Val. G. D. Bill Ear R. Edwards K. Fahy Edward Farley G.E. Feaser W. Comstock Royal Montreal Neg.17.12.33 Anthony Cook D. Cooper W.M. Cooper Lord Mayor 7.1.39 R.L. Corby F. Corpland B.N.A.F. C.M.F. (Paratrooper) Glen Cove K.D. Cox 485 Squadron, New Zealand Mary Craig R.H. Crampton L. Cranwick G. Crook R.A.A.F. S.L. McCullock 12731 R.C.A.F. D.C. Cunrew G.C. Daniel Ghent, Belgium M. David R.A.F. 92 Maintenance Unit Lewis L. Darloys John Dirke J. Dixon Leeds J.W. Dodworth J. Donald F.E. Donkerley Paddy Joc Doolin 231 Squadron E. Doris Guy M. Dougall J.R. Drury G. Dudson Leeds John Duke Digwood Dumping L. Dunn J. W. Dyson Vally D. D.J. Eastham El Ellon K. Falim Chaior Farmers Canada Margaret Naef Finnish C. Gamble A. Gautholma D. Gibb W. Gill Aitkinson J. Gladys J. Goddard M. Goggile F.O. Golding Leonard G. Golding J. Gordon-Rice J. Gouterworth Peter J.S. Grant G.W.G. Gray Skelton S. Green Spr 20805507 49th DN/N.Yorks J. Greenwood D.T. Griffiths 1939 Nanette Greves Smith W. Gull G.S. Hally Palmerston Both, New Zealand, R.N.Z.A.F. G.R. Halton 19.1.41 W. Hardal-Spink L.O. Harrison 12.9.39 A. Harrogate Cyril Hatton A.B.J. Hayward R. Hay**** Jack Henderson G. R. Henley R.S. Henley Blanco Heslop J.C. Hevero P.W. Hilliard P.Hilto D.B. Hobson 22.1.48 ? W. Holden John G. Hollis A.E. Hopper K.D.G. E. Horsley D. Crew Ray Gardener 405 Squadron A. Gawthorne Cyril H. Gibbs R.A.S.C. 26.6.40 Jack F. Gilly U.S. Army 20.12.42 S. Glover Weston George E.P. Golding F.P. Golding Rushton Jean Goldsmith Terence Gorora R.C. Goy Gas Gray R.M. Gray Winifred C. Gregory C. Grook Durham A.W. Guest K. Guyatt D. Hanover Ontario, Canada J. Harrison Texas U.S.A. Ron Harrod 11 R.T.R. J. Hastings Raymond Hawks R.G. R.A.A.F. A.B. Hayward W.S. Hayworth R.A.F. Poclington 12.1.42 J.H. Henderson Pt. Henley H.M.S. Alynbank G. Herbert Bertram Hesmond-Halgh Hickerley John Hillman J. Hird D. Crew Derek Holdband R. Holderworth K. Holman Sally Horlner D.G. Hudson Bill Howard A.A.R.E. September 1939 E.M. Hulse John Hutchinson G. Hutton South Combe Paul Hybon G.C.M. Ireland N.C. Jackson V.C. 106 Squadron R.N. Jackson A. Jalyn Jimm S. Johns E.R. Jones Maris A. Jesting John Kaye Mark Keer H.W. Kemp J.R. Kendall Shorty Keough U.S.A. Knight B. Langley H.M.S. Express, Rsweir (****)1946 Lambert Langton J.R. Larkin C.H.I. Larsone Peter Lawman Brian Leckley Ulster, 1957 F. Lee R.A.F. G. Letters Barney L.S. Lidingham Lt. R.A.A.C. R.G.D.E. Little Snr. C.T. Levette 11453 New Zealand, R.C.C.N.Z.F. C. Lowey J.T.C. Lund Rask B.E.F. W.B. Mackley Auckland, New Zealand Frank Maise Andrew B. Mamedoof U.S.A. Eagle Squadron Sergeant Marmwick 143 Squadron, 3.9.43 B. Martin R.A.A.F. Australia 405373 Johney Hughes R.A.A.F. T.W.B. Hutch Holme-on-Spalding L. Hutchinson Pat Hybein Tangmere-Ineson R.N. Jackson A. Jaill J.Jelfet G.C. John**** Thomas Johnson G. Jones K.D.G. John H. Key D. Keeler Con Kelway Victory and B.C. John H. Kendal J.K. Kender Derby Kipp G.A. Peter Koiley Tom Laplank R.C.A.F. Toronto, Canada Bun Larmon Sask Latton F.B. Leach Sunco Leeds B.E.Lee Tempjos Lenna J. Lewis J.D. Lithouse Rose Lockwood Roy Lumba H.M. McKey T. Maher Margery D. Margery V. Mart L.Naim Thos. H. Neddar H. Nelson R.C.A.F. J.T. Neolham G. NewleySpr. 2081409 49th A.A.Br.R.E. Sept 12.39 K. Newley-Eric W.A. Newman C. P.L. Nicholson W.H. Nomson Charles Nydd Maggie Olso Whitley Bay H.R. Omen Dodley Osen N. Palow J.H. Parkington B.G. Parrish Happy Pays A.B. Percy Sergeant Peter T.W. Drayton, York Chris Plaston Jervis Pomley N. Puck P/O Poland Alfred E. PugarS.S. Northumberland 21 31.12.40 P. Quinn Len Rahaley G. Rawdin Les. H. Read Jim Revill Allen Reynolds S.A.A.F. Tom Riley Elmer A. Rithe Jean Robertson J. Roberts Rodgers S.A. Roe 1939 Joyce R.B. Roisey Allen Rose 1940 Jack Rosemary Neil Tom C. Nelson B.R. Netherfood Tom Newman B.N. Nicholson Peter Noble April 15th 1946 R. Norris Chap Oleven H.R. Omar M. Optunbery August 14th 1939 A. C. Palfreema Roy Pana R. Parkington J.D. Paterson Scottish Horse D. Pearce J.H. Perrin E. Pinder J.A. Poad B.Box Bell Punch H. Rafferty R.A.A.F. Res. G.E. Rarghchroft K.S.L.I. F.O. Rawlinson A.A. Redbond R.A.F. Rolls Royce Ltd., Reymonds Cliff Richards R.A.A.F. Jean Ritching I. Ritson A. Robinson D.H. Robson L.Rodgers 22.6.46 Vera Rosamund Roe J. Rorum Sylvia Rose J. Rosergh F. 3Hornsea Ronnie the Rotter G. Rommelly Bert Rusty 1942 Hash Ryan Yvonne Scarfe S.H. Sedgewick Rose Seth Sutherland 49th D.W. West Yorks. A.A.R.E. Billy Seward 1949 John Shaw K.B. Shepard L. Sheppard Spr. 2088050 Diana Sheridan Alan H. Simpson Biddery Snith Eric Smith Grager Snith York 194? S.V. Snith Tayape, New Zealand James E. Sneeton N.W. Stewb Preston A.C. Story John D. Strughia Ben Stubbs M. Suthe D.S. Sykes W.M. Taishef Jap Storm Tanner Pilot, R.A.A.F. J. Taylor A/C8 H.M.S. Rodney W.H. Taylor J.R. Thomas E. Thompson H. Thorp D.H. Peare Trent S.S.R. Regina, Canada 11.3.41 Pike Turner 231 Squardon J. Underwood D. Vally N. Verity W.J. Wallace Valparaiso, Chile, South America Frank E. Walker Sergeant Rowland 408 Squadron Keen Rudy 55th Parabridge 6.10.43 A. Ryan Ducks, Puududel R.E. Sapper-Brown Scott Willy Semple R.A.F. Mug C.E. Sharp S.K. Shaw D2 Post Observer 1942 W.S. Shepherdson L.W. Sheppard 2608TT8 J.L. Sim Montreal B. Smith 485 Squadron (New Zealand) C.H. Smith London G. Smith Stockton Jasa Smith W. J. Smith Fred Steward R.H. Stiles Strathroy Mary Stuart J.D. Suride G.P. Sutherst 2/8th Lean, Australia C. Trevor Taafe Hastings, New Zealand, A.S.C. W. Taisher Brown A.B. Taylor R.H.R. Taylor Telifr Tommy Thomas 231 Squardron L.P. Thompson J. Toddard T.C. Tyeson 67 Squadron G.D. Val Jack Vendles Edward Victor 2.2.39 J. Walker E. Wallis E.M. Walton J. Ward Bryan Watson 12.9.39 Eva Watson J. Webster 19.1.41 Roy Webster D Crew J.F. Westwood R. Whillsden A.D. White L. Whitely H.M. Whittles Johnney Willis G. Wilkinson S. Wilkinson 1939 L.Wilson L. Wiltshire R. Winship F. W. Wood 408 Squadron Frankie Yates 12th May Allan H. Walsh Bill Ward J.C. Waterhouse R. Watson Percy Webb 28.4.48 Ray Webster S.S. Dundley R. G. Wenley J. Wett I Parkhead, Glasgow Chally Whit Kay White G.C. Whittick Biddy Williams L.A. Willmott Roger Wilkinson J.H. Wilson Terry Wilson L. Winn Terry the Wolfe 231 Squadron Charles Wydd
I take it the mirror still survives? Love the pubs etc that have maintained their "decor" as it was adjusted during the war. Wonderful history.
David , thank you for the details of the names recorded on the mirror - by complete chance I had this mentioned to me in an email this morning. Sadly the names I am looking for are not on it.
Hello Andy , I was looking for some of these gents. Sgt. W F. MacLaren Sgt. E J. Hall F/S. H. Robertson Sgt. P C. Du-Plat-Taylor Sgt. E S. Sheppard Sgt. J D. Stewart Sgt. V H. Bartlett All went missing from 158 on 29/9/43, out bound for Bochum , shot down over Vlieland by coastal flak.
Yes , that was mine Kyt , I would apologise for the typo errors in it , big fingers and poor keyboard skills. Jimmy was my late father's brother , one of two who did not come home from WW2. I can only assume that when the aircraft broke up on hitting the water his body was released from the aircraft , the remainder of the crew trapped in the nose section or the rear gunner trapped by his doors and 4 x .303's stayed with the aircraft.