Thames Barges

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by dsms, May 6, 2009.

  1. dsms

    dsms Member

    Not sure if this is right section to pose this question as the vessels I'm interested in are possibly under the control of the army rather than the navy, but hey they float (hopefully)!

    The question is does anyone know anything about the barges Gog and Maygog that were used on the river Thames to transport guns and armnaments from Woolwich to the coastal defenses along the Thames estuary. From what I can gather they were towed by a vessel called Katherine and Katherine II but cant find any other info on them. Can anyone point me in a direction to find info and/or hopefully some pictures.

    Thanks in advance for any help
  2. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    Wouldn't you know it ? .... page under construction !! .... but keep checking !! ( unless it's yours dsms ?? ) :headhurt:

    '' by Julieanne Savage

    Also I found this ... maybe it will spark some other ideas !!

  3. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

  4. dsms

    dsms Member

    Thanks for taking time to reply with these.
    Have seen both of those but not a great deal of info to be had.
    Research so far shows that these barges, and I am assuming there were more than just a single pair from the timescales involved were in service from way back in the middle 1800's carrying RML guns and supplies through to WW2 and beyond. Plying their trade along the Thames servicing the many coastal defenses along the river as well as Shoeburyness. From what I gather they were under the control of The Army's Navy rather than the Royal Navy and may have at one point even have had railway track incorporated into their design for linking up with shore to fort railway systems. Its something I have happened on that has captured imagination as little seems to have survived from their once very busy use.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

  6. dsms

    dsms Member

    Likewise Kitty no luck on either of those sites either, Gog and Magog wernt traditional Thames sailing barges and Maritime Museum zilch on them. Have had a bit of luck from the Royal Artillery though they sent through some info but
    nothing really in detail. The search goes on....
  7. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    I suspect you'll have to spend a few months trawling papers at Kew then :(

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