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D Day 65th celebrations.

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by penance, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. penance

    penance New Member

    As mentioned in another thread, here are some pictures of our time in Normandy during the 65th anniversary celebrations.

    Some of you may be aware, we are members of a living history group called The garrison, we portray 489 Battery of 124th field regiment RA. We were staying in Ver Sur Mer at the invite of the commune with the purpose of living history displays relating to D Day.

    This is Gold Beach 0752hrs 6th June 2009, a moment for quiet contemplation


    As we turned this was washed up behind us

    489 Battery landed on D Day +2 at Gold Beach, they went into action in a small Village called Trungy.
    We were invited by the Mayor of Trungy to display our guns and fire in Trungy on 8th June, a very poignant moment for us and a huge honour.


    More pictures here (will add more as I get time) Pictures by Andy_Thompson - Photobucket
  2. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    The photos don't seem to have downloaded, or is it just me?

    Are you using the Manage Attachments facility? This usually works if the file-size of the pictures is not too large.

  3. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    No you;re right! it;s not you,there is a fault! I did give him a P/M letting him know that his picture never worked,maybe he just can;t work out the problem!
    What ever it is,it got my attenion! it;s a shame really.
  4. penance

    penance New Member

    Been busy and not had time to check the forum.
    The problem is that the pictures are on FB as my Flickr account has reached its monthly limit.

    Will see if i can sort it out later when i have more time.
  5. penance

    penance New Member

    Links should be fixed now, let me know if still not visible
  6. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    Great pics. Which one are you?
  7. penance

    penance New Member

    In the beach photo where we are facing the camera I am second from left.

    Guy on far left: spot the mistake in his uniform...
  8. penance

    penance New Member

    One of myself and Kay my wife, taken at Trungy before we fired.

  9. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

    His cap badge seems to be back to front. Should be Red/Black not Black/Red.

    I see the chap on the far right is wearing the 1940 pattern blouse - but you are wearing the earlier pattern with the fancy button covering and pleats :D
  10. penance

    penance New Member

    Yep, he did get some ribbing about it ;)

    Yep, chappie is in 40 pattern.

    I prefer the early pattern, just think it looks smarter, and also the pic I have of grandad are with the early pattern.

    Must say, the GS cap is not my prefered head wear!
  11. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Good pictures. Good pick up Kyt!
  12. Antipodean Andy

    Antipodean Andy New Member

    A great set of pics, Andy, and a top effort by your group.
  13. Heidi

    Heidi New Member

    Great looking photographs! Nice to see something British being apart of the normandy union.
  14. penance

    penance New Member

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