
Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Pathfinder, May 24, 2008.

  1. Barry Fentiman

    Barry Fentiman New Member

    Barry - ED862

    Firstly, Welcome. As you can see from the forum, my Uncle was also on this plane when it was lost. They had been together for a while.
    It would be good to know where they lie but it would seem 99% certain that they are in the North Sea, so there is little hope of finding their last resting place.
    For my part I have been doing some amateurish research and have found some of the expert researchers so helpful and so knowledgable.
    As for your Uncle, I thought he was the MU Gunner, not the tail gunner. He was the son of James and Elizabeth from Ardrossan and was the 2nd oldest of the crew that died. I presume that you now live in Canada? It would be good to eMail you, my email is b.fentimanATntlworld.com


    Barry Fentiman

    JOHN CUMMING New Member

    Hi All in this thread. It would appear that everyone has given up on this thread. Me included. Anyway I have found out that the whole crew was transferred from 467 Squadron to 97 Squadron, but I can't find the flight ops. for this squadron.
  3. Barry Fentiman

    Barry Fentiman New Member



    Hello again. Do you have any photos of John with the other crew members. My Uncle,
    Douglas Fentiman was the flight engineer. You can eMail me on b.fentiman@ntlworld.com

    Thank you

    Barry Fentiman
  4. Barry Fentiman

    Barry Fentiman New Member

    Flight Ops - 97 Squadron

    Which flight ops do you need? May be I can help.

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