Operations of WW2 - T

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by spidge, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    Operation Totalise

    During World War II, Operation Totalise (Allies, 1944) was a ground attack on 7 August 1944 by British, Canadian and Polish forces to break out from the Normandy beachhead along the Caen-Falaise road. It was the first operation in history in which First Canadian Army took a leading role. The First Canadian Army had become operational on the Continent just days before. Although the attack failed in its objective, it did serve as a spoiling attack.

    Read more here: Operation Totalise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Kyt

    Kyt Άρης

  3. RAFLibs

    RAFLibs Member

    Operation Tidal Wave

    Operation Tidal Wave was a World War II aerial bombardment operation by a composite strike force of five bomb groups from the United States Eighth and Ninth Air Forces to destroy the oil refineries at Ploieşti, Romania, on 1 August 1943. The operation was devised by Colonel (later General) Jacob E. Smart based on the experiences derived from the June 1942 Halverson Project (HALPRO) raid. This attack, by 12 B-24Ds of the Halverson Project, which eventually provided the nucleus for the 376th Bomb Group "Liberandos," caused minimal damage, but demonstrated the feasibility of such a mission in the eyes of American planners. Operation Tidal Wave involved a total commitment of 178 B-24 Liberator heavy bombers on a 2,400-mile round trip flight to conduct low-level attack on the refineries. All aircraft were based near Benghazi, Libya. Brigadier General Uzal Girard Ent was in overall command of American forces during the mission. The operation was notable as one of the most costly in terms of aircraft and crew members lost by the United States Army Air Forces during the strategic bombing campaign over Europe and resulted in five Medal of Honor recipients.
    Read more about Tidal Wave Here
  4. martinww2

    martinww2 New Member

    Interesting, going to find something about it in my books.

  5. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Operation Titanic .The dropping of dummies over inland France on d day to put off the Germans. Dummies were called ruperts they had crackers attached that went off when they struck the ground Dropped by 90 SQN A man of whom I have his medal group was lead pilot on the mission on one of the drop areas .
    Cheers AJ
  6. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Tiger, Operational code name for the German advance through the Maginot Line on the French border - June 1940
    Cheers AJ
  7. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Tidal wave Operational code name for the US bombing of the Romanian oilfields of Ploesti - August 1943
  8. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Thunderclap Operational code name for the Allied bombing of Dresden - February 1945
    Cheers AJ
  9. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Ten-Go ,Operational code name for the Japanese naval operations at Okinawa and Iwo Jima beginning April 1945
  10. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Taifun "Typhoon" - Operational code name for the German push towards Moscow - September 1941
  11. smaja

    smaja New Member

    Operation Thursday was the code name given to the aerial invasion phase of the 2nd Chindit Expedition in 1944.
  12. smaja

    smaja New Member

    The Third anti-Partisan Offensive (codename Operation Trio) was a battle during World War II between the Yugoslav Partisans on one side, German, Italian, and Independent State of Croatia forces on the second and Chetnik forces on the third.
    The is also known in ex-Yugoslav sources as the Third Enemy Offensive. It took place in mountainous area of eastern Bosnia, northern Montenegro, Sandzak, and northeastern Herzegovina between March 31 and June 1942.

    Third anti-Partisan Offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  13. smaja

    smaja New Member

    Operation Talon was the name given to the British amphibious landing at Akyab in western Burma on 3 January 1945. It was conducted without opposition.
  14. CXX

    CXX New Member

    Operation Torch.

    The Allied landing in north west Africa.

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