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Les 'Juicy' Adams - RAF rear gunner

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by liverpool annie, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    We've been working on a project over on WW1 for Rugby players who served and died and I came across this man ... I know it's a bit of a long shot but by any chance can we find out what happened to Juicy ?

    Juicy became a landlord in Leeds and volunteered for war duty with the RAF as a rear gunner. He was killed in action in 1944 over Japan. There were eight men on the plane when it was shot down by the Japanese in late 1944. Two of the occupants were killed when the plane crashed and two others, including Juicy were never found. The remaining four were captured and tortured by the Japanese before being killed. After the war the Japanese officers responsible were tried for war crimes and were executed. Despite numerous searches of the
    area around the crash site and discussions with villagers who found the plane, no trace of the body of Juicy could be found.

  2. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    I think I might have found it .... what do you think ? ...... though the details aren't quite right ... but the details I had were vague !!

    how awful for them though ..... hard to imagine isn't it ?

    Lib #6: BZ938 "W" for "Wottawitch!!"

    • A Mark V Liberator of C Flight (Special Flight), 159 Squadron
    • Shot down southwest of Rangoon, Burma on night of 30 / 31 Jan 1945 during a radar & radio
    detection flight.
    • 3 crewmen were not seen after bailout. 6 men (2 officers, 4 F/Sgts) were turned over to the
    Japanese by Burmese villagers. Several days later the 2 officers were separated from the F/Sgts and sent to Rangoon Jail, where they survived. The 4 F/Sgts were later executed by the Japanese.
    • The graves of the 4 executed airmen lie in Rangoon War Cemetery, Burma.
    • I corresponded with A.G. Jeffrey before his death in the 1990s. I have corresponded with the kin of 6 other crewmen.

    Pilot: ** 84656 S/Ldr James Wilson BRADLEY DFC (RAF, from England)
    2nd Pilot: + 710193 F/Sgt Leslie BELLINGAN (RAF, from Rhodesia)
    Navigator: ** 147114 F/O Allan Graham JEFFREY (RAF, from England)
    Wireless Operator: 156570 F/O William James John LOWERY (RAF, from England)
    Flight Engineer: + 1231723 F/Sgt Robert James SNELLING (RAF, from England)
    Wireless Op/Air Gnr: 421484 W/O Arthur Roland WILLIAMS (RAAF, from Australia)
    Air Gunner: 1592986 F/Sgt Leslie ADAMS (RAF, from England)
    Wireless Op/Air Gnr: + 1803337 F/Sgt John Derek WOODAGE (RAF, from England)
    Wireless Op/Air Gnr: +# 1393806 F/Sgt Stanley James WOODBRIDGE GC (RAF, from England)

    Italics: Believed to have bailed out; not seen by other 6 crewmen after reaching
    the ground.
    + Beheaded by the Japanese on 7 February 1945. Buried in Rangoon
    War Cemetery, Burma.
    ** Captured, separated from the 4 others, sent to Rangoon Jail, liberated.
    # Posthumously awarded George Cross, 1948, for his courage in defying
    captors in the face of death.
  3. Dave Barlow

    Dave Barlow Member

    Wireless Op/Air Gnr: 421484 W/O Arthur Roland WILLIAMS (RAAF, from Australia)

    I don't know if you have already looked at it, but both the Personnel and Casualty file for the RAAF member on board are available to be read on-line through the National Archives of Australia.

    The casualty file has set a new record at being 145 pages long. I have never seen a file reach triple figures before. Only seven pages in and the ruling in 1957 mentions the search of the crash area and most other known circumstances of the crash.

    Both survivors were questioned and the fate of the missing airmen is still unknown.

  4. liverpool annie

    liverpool annie New Member

    My keyboard is flooded ! .... I've been sitting here reading it Dave ..... I was surprised at how in depth it was and it was amazing to see his photo and dog tags .... I've been sitting here just shaking my head !

    all I can say is .. God bless the Australians .. if Arthur Williams hadn't been on that flight ... nobody would have known anything about it !

    It'd definitely him isn't it ?
  5. Dave Barlow

    Dave Barlow Member

    Wireless Op/Air Gnr: 421484 W/O Arthur Roland WILLIAMS (RAAF, from Australia)

    The NAA is zealous about the quality of it's files and the digitisation program is brilliant. If I inform them of any typo in a file description name or service number they investigate and correct the problem. The DVA people who run the nominal roll website are the same.

    Personally, I think the service and access to files we get here is the best in the world, if a file isn't digitised it only costs a few bucks to move it up the queue and a few weeks later it's uploaded.

    By reading everything they have I normally get a very good impression of everything that occured and who else was present at the time of a casualty.
  6. Matt Poole

    Matt Poole New Member

    Hi, Dave and Annie.

    I stumbled upon this message thread the other day and was pleased to see the photo of Les Adams as a rugby player. My compilation of crew details/fates was posted to Robert Quirk's RAF Liberator website, and that's where Annie found her info posted back on 11 Sept. For over a decade I have been involved in various aspects of the story of Les and his crew aboard WOTTAWITCH!! on their secret 159 Sqn radar/radio snooping op. Have corresponded with various kin of the crew, including Les' daughter in the Melbourne, Australia area, and also the nephews of RAAF airman Arthur Williams. It was Arthur's scanned Casualty File that you guys accessed -- such a fabulous service the Aussies provide (unlike the PATHETIC policy in the UK.

    Googling on Les' name, I found a total of three photos of him as a rugby player, plus some fantastic background info on his rugby career. I knew of his international experience, but until this past week I did not realize what a star he was.

    Also, the Australian War Memorial collections database (easy to find in a Google search) has a photo of Les in uniform in India...and I have one other image of him from India. Will share if you send me your e-mail addresses via the private message option.

    About five years ago, using the lat/long found in the Williams Cas. File, I searched surviving 1945 aerial reconnaissance imagery at the US National Archives and came up with before and after photos, in detail, of the burn zone where WOTTAWITCH!! impacted into the dry season rice paddy stubble. Then, two friends of mine in Burma trekked to the site and talked with the current landowner, who inherited the fields from his parents. The parents told him of the crash, which ruined the crop for many years - discolored rice from the petrol, primarily. Now everything seems to be lush green, although the area was in the flood zone of last year's devastating cyclone. Supposedly there is considerable wreckage buried on site, including at least one wing. Unfortunately, my friends visited before the rainy season had concluded, so the rice had not been harvested yet and they could not really look for any small pieces of wreckage (to give to the kin of the crew).

    One of the Williams nephews is scheduled to visit the site next January, led by one of the two who made the trip there last time (a multi-talented Burmese woman living in Rangoon, and formerly my neighbor in the Washington DC area). In the dry season it should be easy to reach the spot, as opposed to last time, when there was a fair bit of mudslogging involved.

    Then there will be a visit to Rangoon War Cemetery to pay respects to the graves of the four crewmen who were executed so brutally by the Japanese. I have been there, back in 1993. Have photos of the four graves, but of course Les was one of the three missing graves for them. One of them was seen to fall into a mangrove swamp trailing an unopened parachute...a terrible death, but at least he did not suffer like for of his crewmates.

    One of the other Les Adams items I found via a Google search the other day was a Yorkshire Post newspaper interview with his 65 year old nephew, himself an ex-professional rugby player. This recent story can be found at:

    Most of the Internet info on Les has incorrect details, but now at least you folks have it straight.

    Incidentally, the daughter of Les' skipper (S/Ldr James Bradley DFC) was tracked down in California, and she sent me copies of her father's logbook and also a booklet about her father's war career, used for Christian proselytising. He and the navigator (A.G. Jeffrey) - the only officers among the six captured - had been sent to Rangoon Jail and had survived to be liberated. Bradley said in this booklet that WOTTAWITCH!! was shot down by a fighter, and there is a similar reference in his logbook, but Jeffrey did not mention a fighter attack in his mid-1990s correspondences with me and with one of the Williams nephews.

    No other sources say it was a fighter, including Japanese researcher/author Hiroshi Ichimura, who is a scholar on the Burma Air War and who has access to more Japanese records and diaries and such than anyone else, I'd say. (His most recent book is the Osprey publication on Ki-43 Oscar aces.)

    The bottom line, then, is that it is uncertain if a fighter really did bring down WOTTAWITCH!!, or whether it was sudden engine trouble. Personally, only a fighter attack makes sense to me.

    So there you go...a few more basics, and there will be more developing on this story in a couple of months or so.

    Les' daughter has been very cordial to me, but I do sense that she needs her space, so I have not pestered her lately. If the Williams nephew does, indeed, make it to the crash site, he will be taking photos and maybe video, and this will be shared with the daughter.


    Matt, near Washington, DC.

  7. spidge

    spidge Active Member

  8. Matt Poole

    Matt Poole New Member


    Thanks for the Singapore Memorial photos. I see quite a few names of Liberator airmen I've researched.

    Here is my first attempt to attach a photo. It's Les "Juicy" Adams in uniform, although it's a scan of a laser copy. Not very good. I think Ivor Smith, the nephew of Arthur Williams, got a proper print from Les' daughter and sent me the laser scan.



    Attached Files:

  9. Matt Poole

    Matt Poole New Member

    The crashsite in the rice paddies 40 miles SW of Rangoon.

    Here is a 1992 account of what happened from Graham Jeffrey, the navigator on Les' Liberator:


    On this particular tour BZ938 made eight operational flights including the last one, the first seven of which were relatively uneventful. The last flight included a tour of southern Burma. Everything had gone to plan and we were just leaving the coast to survey some islands a few miles off-shore before setting course for home when it happened. There was a fierce vibration on the port side of the aircraft. Bradley came on the intercom to say that we had lost an engine and asked for a course for home, which I gave to him. I took a look at the repeat altimeter beside my desk and saw that we were losing height rapidly.

    Bradley came on the intercom again almost immediately to ask where we were heading, and when I told him out to sea, he asked me to direct him to turn the plane towards the coast, which I did. It was clear that the plane was going to crash and that we would have to bale out.

    Bradley told the crew the situation and told us to prepare to bale out. The question was would we make the coast in time to bale out over land, and I could see that it was going to be a very close thing. We were now so low, and, not yet at the coast, that Bradley had to give the order to bale out at the individual’s discretion before we reached it. To bale out I had to leave my desk, put on my parachute and open the door to the nose wheel, which was my emergency exit. I could see the altimeter, and as land appeared before me I left with the altimeter reading 1000 feet.

    I landed on the shore about ten feet from the water. The five on the flight deck left very soon after me at about 700 feet and landed in paddy fields.

    Although this is the end of BZ938’s story there are still some questions to answer. The first is what happened to cause the crash. Enemy action is highly unlikely. The failure of one engine should not have been enough to cause it. Liberators were expected to fly on three engines. What else happened I do not know, and I have no recollection of discussing this with Bradley later. No doubt we had other things on our minds.

    The really important question is what happened to the three in the rear of the plane. They had to exit via the bomb bays, which Bradley had opened for them. There are three possibilities to consider. Did they stay on the plane and perish in the crash? This can be ruled out for two reasons. There is evidence in one of the post-war documents sent to me by Ivor Smith that Bradley was sure they had left. And the search teams sent to the spot after the war found no evidence of bodies being found in the crashed plane. If there had been, the locals would have known and told the searchers.

    The second possibility is that they baled out over land. If they were killed or fatally injured in the process, and it is highly unlikely that this would have happened to all three, their bodies would have been found and reported eventually to the search teams. If they had baled out over land successfully, they would have landed near to the flight deck people and would have been captured along with them. The countryside was flat and open; there was nowhere to hide.

    This leaves the third possibility, that they baled out over the sea. If Bradley and I thought we knew that they had left the plane, it must surely be because we thought that they had left before us. I landed on the beach, so that anyone leaving before me must have fallen into the sea. I do not know what the chances are of surviving the immediate shock of baling out into the sea, but many have done so.

    It seems highly unlikely that all three were drowned immediately, so if, as I am convinced, they did bale out over the sea, why did none of them make it to the shore? They cannot have been too far out at sea. The sea was like a mill pond. There seemed to be virtually no tide, and it was a clear, starry night. The answer is probably that as the coast at that point is very low, there was just a narrow beach, a band of mangrove swamp, and then the paddy fields with very little rise from the sea. Anyone at sea level some way out to sea would have been unable to see the coastline.

    You will gather from this that it is my strong opinion that W/O Arthur Williams and his two companions were drowned off the coast of southern Burma. I think you will understand me when I write that I consider this a blessing, bearing in mind that, if they had survived the crash, Arthur Williams and Sgt Adams would certainly, and F/O Lowery probably, have suffered the same fate as the four members of our crew who were executed by the Japanese.

    Attached Files:

  10. Matt Poole

    Matt Poole New Member

    This is the recollection of S/Ldr James Bradley DFC, the skipper. The source is the booklet "Five Times Reprieved", written in 1957. You will note that Bradley said that two crewmen were unaccounted for, but of course it was three: Lowery, Williams, and Les Adams.

    In 1945 came a mission that Jim Bradley, for many more months to follow, thought would be his last. He tells it this way:-

    "Early in that year we were flying over dangerous territory - Mandalay, Moulmein and Rangoon. We were all under tension. On this particular mission - January 31st, 1945 - my crew appeared to be in good spirits...that is until something out of the ordinary took place. We were approaching the coast of Burma - AND FOR THE FIRST TIME THAT I CAN BRING TO MEMORY IN ALL OUR MISSIONS I ORDERED THE CREW TO BUCKLE ON THEIR PARACHUTES. This was extraordinary. It could only have been God who prompted me to take this action!!!"

    "I remember the fuss the crew raised. Over the intercom came the voice of Jefferys, the navigator, 'Hey Skipper, I can't get my job done with that heavy junk on my don't really mean it, do you?' From away back in the tail, came a sigh from Adams, a former boxer, 'Oh no! As if it isn't uncomfortable enough back here now - not a 'chute, Skipper!' Gripes came from every part of the ship. I stuck to my guns. Orders were orders. Bellingham, my South African co-pilot, climbed into his, and then turned to me and said, 'Say, Skipper, aren't you going to put yours on?' Horse-laughs flooded the intercom. I hadn't had the thing out of the bag since drawing it from the parachute section.

    "A little later I went back to the flight deck for coffee to shoot the breeze with Woodbridge, one of my radio men. I mentioned something to him about the thing not being properly adjusted and hard to get on. He turned, and with a smile, said, 'Skipper, I used to work in the parachute section. I know how to adjust that harness. I wouldn't mind a bit getting you set in yours.' I knew he was ribbing me, but I pulled it out, and we both yanked at the straps until it was adjusted - STILL WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST IDEA OF ITS HAVING ANY PARTICULAR SIGNIFICANCE.

    "We were well satisfied with our night's work. I was heading the plane toward home, when suddenly without warning, there was an eerie whine of a runaway engine. Number one engine revved up to full power and caused our B-24 to vere sharply to the left. I tried to feather it with the emergency control. Nothing happened. Automatically I was countering the reaction of the aircraft and resetting a normal course.

    "While this was taking place, Bellingham called over the intercom that number three engine was on fire. I pulled the lever and released the anti-flame jets which are fitted around the engine. Number one engine was feathered, and we were flying on two engines. They threw overboard everything that could be moved. I struggled for an optimistic tone of voice and called over the intercom, 'Look fellows-it appears as though we might have to bail out. If I get down to 1,500 feet and I can't hold it-I'll give the order to jump. Get your escape aids, your maps, and make ready to jump if necessary: A JAP NIGHT FIGHTER HAD FOUND HIS MARK AND WE WERE GOING DOWN.

    "We were losing altitude at about 300 to 400 feet a minute. The navigator informed me that we were about 40 miles southwest of Rangoon where the delta of the Irrawaddy River empties into the Indian Ocean. I couldn't hold a 1,500 foot altitude. And gave the order to jump. My navigator went out through the nose, and the rest, except the radio man, went through the bomb-bays. The fighter had ruined our radio. There was no chance to give our position. And now every second counted as I rode that Bomber toward earth! I glanced at my altimeter and it read 700 feet.

    When I knew that my crew members had cleared away I pulled the controls back sharply to bring it into a stall so that it might crash nearby. We had to make sure that it was destroyed and that no information would fall into the enemy's hands. I dived through the open bomb-bay and yanked at my ripcord. For a moment I was horrified. Nothing seemed to happen. I felt as though I were an inkpot hurtling down through blackness. I tried to pull the chute out with my hands - and then, whoosh - a sudden jerk. It seemed that almost the same time I hit the ground and was rolling over and over.

    "I landed near my radio operator. Almost instantly the plane hit. I did not need to worry about destroying it. Flames from a thousand gallons of high octane gas did that job for us. I was unhurt. I began to run. I whistled and called for the others. I lost contact with everyone.

    "I could see silhouetted figures of Burmese standing as near as they dared to the sheets of flame. A crowd gathered. I knew I must be near a village. I spent that night prowling around in the woods. At dawn I noticed a chicken and began to stalk it. Burmese chickens are like our pheasants. Suddenly it flew away.

    "The Burmese soon began a wide-spread search. I reached for my little English:Burmese dictionary and looked for a word of greeting. I was a thousand miles from our front-lines-a thousand miles of jungle. So with my little book in my hand I introduced myself.

    "They chattered like magpies. They took turns in feeling my clothes. They didn't seem to be happy to see me, and I was worried. They were armed with long sticks with sharp knives attached to the ends of these sticks. I tried to explain to them that I was from the great king's army and that this great emperor would reward them handsomely if they would help me and my friends to escape. They pretended not to understand me, and marched me off to their village. There I met the rest of my crew,or what was left of them. Two were lost and never heard from again. I was the last one in."
  11. Matt Poole

    Matt Poole New Member

    Attached is a copy of the Les Adams photo from the Australian War Memorial database.

    Details from the AWM:

    ID Number: SEA0030

    Summary: Digri, Bengal, India. 1944-11-28. Flight Sergeant Les Adams of Hyde Park, Leeds, England, the half-back in the English Rugby League football team which toured Australia in 1932, inspects an Indian's fishing line. He is now ball gunner in a Liberator bomber aircraft of No. 159 (Liberator) Squadron RAF flown by 422785 Flying Officer V. E. Willing of Rose Bay, NSW. Two other RAAF members in the crew are Warrant Officer W. H. Wheeler of Bellevue Hill, NSW, and 421484 WO A. R. Williams of Bagotville, Richmond River, NSW.
    Copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

    Another excerpt from Graham Jeffrery in 1992, regarding Les Adams, the crew, and the Lib.

    With Bradley and Lowery at Wing, six NCO’s in one mess at 159 Sqn, and me in the other one, there was little chance of the full crew meeting together between operations. In fact I never saw Bradley and Lowery between flights and only Adams on one or perhaps two occasions, and that by special arrangement because I had found out that he was a Rugby League international scrum-half whom I had seen play and who lived in Leeds – my home town.

    If you are surprised that we did not meet together between flights please remember that this was a time of intense activity and most of the time between operations was spent recovering from one and preparing for the next one.

    BZ938 was an old aircraft carrying obsolescent radar detection equipment. I can remember the NCO in charge of its maintenance telling me that the engines were OK because they were changed when necessary but the airframe might shake itself to bits before long.

    Attached Files:

  12. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    In my research of Aussies in other allied Air Forces, I came across this chap who was a gunner at (43) in a Liberator in New Guinea.

    321st B/Sq
    Plot P Row 0 Grave 555

    Harris Horder was a world champion cyclist pre war.

    These "Aussies" were not Liberator crew however they were interesting finds nonetheless.

    One flew off the carrier Yorktown at the Battle of the Coral Sea, was awarded the Navy Cross and had a Destroyer Escort named after him in 1943.

    Another was a C-47 crewman in a USAAF aircraft whose remains were found post war. Not being able to distinguish the remains from one another, they were buried together at Arlington National Cemetery, the only Australian ever to be buried there.


  13. Matt Poole

    Matt Poole New Member


    Yes, some interesting stories there.

    Livepool Annie mentioned the dogtags of Arthur Williams that are in his RAAF service file, on line. These have confused Arthur's nephews and myself. We wondered if someone found the dogtags in Burma and returned them to Australia after the war, which would suggest that Arthur's body had been found. The National Archives of Australia has not been able to explain where they came from, but we don't believe the ID tags were found in Burma.

    WERE ONLY ONE SET OF TAGS ISSUED TO AN INDIVIDUAL? I imagine that, on occasion, dogtags/identity discs were lost when removed for activities or if the chain broke, and that replacements were issued. This could explain the Williams case.

    He is officially missing, with no known grave, though I have found several notable instances of airmen from RAF Liberator squadrons in the Far East who are officially missing but whose gravesites were known soon after the war but ignored nevertheless. This really makes my blood boil...Major screwups, compounded by the fact that next of kin were not told of the existence of graves.


  14. Lizandmick

    Lizandmick New Member

    Hi Dave I'm also in contact with Les Adams daughter as we both live in Australia. I have contacted her re this web site and I hope we can make contact and possibly obtain more details for her.
    Also I have a Granddaughter that works in " The Australian War Memorial, so now I have details through this wonderful site of his service number and the crash details and type of aircraft, I should now be able to access more information for his Daughter. Look forward to getting your reply. Regards Michael (lizandmick)
  15. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    welcome to the forum Michael, I'm glad the information our members have posted is proving useful to family members. BTW I've removed your email for your security, whilst we do our utmost to protect our members and make sure only genuinely interested parties join, we cannot guarantee a human spammer may not read the thread and start attacking your email. Our members will ping you if needs by via the PMs.
  16. Matt Poole

    Matt Poole New Member

    Hi from Maryland.

    The second posting on this thread quoted from something I'd posted on the web -- and I want to correct the date. WOTTAWITCH!! (BZ938) did not go down on the night of 30/31 Jan 1945. Instead, it was the next night -- 31 Jan/1 Feb 1945.

    I'd shared extensive info with Les Adams' daughter, including the superb material from Arthur Williams' RAAF casualty file. I tried sending her an email last week, to pass along some new info, but it bounced back.

    Michael, do you have an email address that is current? Kindly contact me at feb2944 AT aol DOT com (making the obvious changes).

    Glen Smith, the nephew of Arthur Williams, visited the WOTTAWITCH!! crash site in late Jan 2010 and read a prayer. He also visited the graves of Les' four executed crewmates at Rangoon War Cemetery and took photos. Maoist rebel turmoil in West Bengal, India prevented Glen from visiting the vast, abandoned airfield at Digri, where WOTTAWITCH!! was based. A Powerpoint presentation of his visit, with background information, can be viewed here:

    Wottawitch Ppt Presentation

    I must point out some very minor errors in Glen's presentation. The two airfield images Glen says are Digri are actually Salbani, another RAF Liberator base about 12 miles away. I had sent 1944 photo recon images of both Salbani and Digri to Glen.

    Also, the date for the start of the forced POW march from Rangoon Jail is, without a doubt, 25 April 1945 (departing at 4 pm), not the 26th as Glen stated. (Another minor error, pointed out by someone who noted his own minor date error, above...)

    The caption to the sequence of photos of S/Ldr Bradley as a free man erroneously gives the date as 28 April; this cinema footage was shot on 30 April. The bulk of the force-marched POWs, including Bradley and Allan Graham Jeffrey, the WOTTAWITCH!! navigator, reached Allied lines overnight on 29/30 April, so the photos of Bradley really do show him in his first hours of true freedom.

    A week ago I was contacted by the great-nephew of Stanley Woodbridge, a wireless op aboard WOTTAWITCH!! who was the last of Les' crewmates to be executed, and who was posthumously awarded the George Cross for his defiance and courage. Stanley's brother Ralph gave the nephew the original diary kept by Stanley and Ralph's father James when he flew to Rangoon (at his own expense) to sit in on the full war crimes trial of the six surviving Japanese who were most responsible for the atrocities. The nephew, in Hollywood, is writing a screenplay based upon the trial, though it is a part-time endeavor due to a very active life (which may include a 4th military deployment, this time to Afghanistan). He purchased 1200 pages of the 1947 war crimes transcripts from the UK National Archives at Kew -- harrowing reading.

    James Woodbridge, although just an observer at the trial, debunked the time/date alibi being used by the defendents, or one of them -- possibly Hiroshi Okami who beheaded Stanley -- and this was a turning point in the trial.

    All six of the Japanese put on trial were convicted. Four received the death penalty (death by hanging), but only three were actually hanged, on 7 July 1945. One more had his sentence reduced to 10 years' imprisonment, and the last two had 2- and 1-year sentences. I don't know if any of them served their full sentences.

    Les Adams, as a flight sergeant like his four executed crewmates, would most likely have been murdered with them, had he survived the baleout from his Liberator. The two officers who were captured, Bradley and Jeffrey, survived because they were sent on to Rangoon Jail.

    Les' nephew, Phil Adams -- himself a rugby player in his day -- was interviewed by the Leeds paper a couple of years back. His facts on how his uncle died are inaccurate, but here is the link to the story:

    Final replay evokes emotional feelings - News - Yorkshire Post

    The original on-line version of the story had an image of Phil holding a photo of Les from his playing days, plus a second photo of Les as a player. I saved these as images at the time, so here they are.

    Lastly, a cigarette card caricature of Les as a rugby player is found here:

    Leslie Adams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I have attached this caricature (hopefully).



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  17. samantha adams

    samantha adams Les juicy Adams great niece

    Hi i am Samantha Adams daughter of Phillip Adams and great Neice of Les Adams i am doing some reserch into my family tree and found this amazing to read so just wanted to say Thanks!
  18. Matt Poole

    Matt Poole New Member

    This is eerie...I just peeked at this message thread maybe three days ago, for the first time since my last posting in Dec 2011. And then you discover the same thread, Samantha, and get to see your father's face...and your great uncle's, too!

    samantha adams likes this.
  19. samantha adams

    samantha adams Les juicy Adams great niece

    yes it was a shock to see my dad there aswell! i have attached a photo from when he played at huddisfield before he left for the war :)

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  20. Matt Poole

    Matt Poole New Member

    That's a wonderful photo, Samantha. Thanks for posting.

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