Flying suit

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by clivetemple, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. clivetemple

    clivetemple New Member

    Can someone please tell me what this suit is called? Used by RAF bomber crews in 1941. Thanks.

  2. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    It looks like a Sidcot suit.

    This was a one-piece overall-suit developed by the Australian aviator Sidney Cotton in the First World War. For (relative) warmth and convenience it was so successful that the Germans were not above using captured examples; even von Richthofen was said to be wearing one when he died. Cotton refused to profit financially from his wartime invention.

    Wikipedia confirms that the Sidcot-type suit continued to be used by the RAF into the 1950's, though by WW2 it may have had a different official designation, and I couldn't say what that was.
  3. clivetemple

    clivetemple New Member

    Thanks Adrian.

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