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What scale do you model in

Discussion in 'Military Modelling' started by sniper, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Thought i would ask the question to you modellers out there in our membership. What scale do you enjoy moddelling in? And what else do you enjoy about modelling?

    I do enjoy modelling in 1:35 or 54mm figures. You can add as much detail to it as you want and also its not a too bigger size to build a small diorama around. I have a number of small models of this size which i have or am planning a diorama and it doesn't have to take up a lot of room.
    When i model sailing ships i prefer to model in 1:96 scale. Again good for putting in as much detail as you want to. When doing model aircraft i like to work in 1:48 scale for the same reasons as the others. All of these scales seem to have a fantastic range of kits to choose from and its easy to get bits that can be added to make them look even better.

  2. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    With aircraft, I stick to 1/72 scale, for comparison purposes, and because a 1/72 fighter will sit neatly on a bookshelf. That said, someone gave me a 1/72 scale Lancaster recently, which I will build even though these days I normally do ships from scratch. I'm still not sure where I can put it; I think it will just about stand on the shelf of the display cupboard in the lounge, if my wife will permit a few family photos to be rearranged.

    At least ships are only long in one direction! I build them at whatever scale it takes to get the model to about 12-15 inches long, which for 200-foot original means 1/16" to 1 foot, i.e. 1/192
  3. DFC

    DFC New Member

    48th scale mostly but on certain aircrarft 32nd
    cheers Tony
  4. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    So guys and gals, what are you building at the moment. My present project involves a more up to date scene. I am trying to re-create a part of the battle of Goose Green in 1982 using 1:35 Parachute Regiment soldiers which i was lucky to find at a local modellers fair. The base is a 2 foot square piece of MDF and then using polystyrene to build up the contours. Its no-where near finished yet but as most modellers i am already planning the next project. I'll be using and old wreck of a Corsair from my junk pile which is a 1:48 scale and making it into a crash scene. I do enjoy doing the dioramas as much as making the models which is why i always try to add dioramas to my models. I don't believe that having a factory finish on a model looks authentic and always add damage and weathering to my models. How do you lot feel about having models which look as if they have just come out the factory? I guess there is a place for them but i do prefer to see models as if they have been used and looking as if they have been out there doing the job they were designed to do.

  5. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    I must admit that while I admire other people's dioramas, I've never got round to doing them myself. I sometimes "weather" aircraft models, with oil stains, mud on tyres etc.

    With ships, if you make a full-hull model, mounted on a stand, it can't be anything other than a "technical" model, but if you make a waterline model, it can be made more realistic, especially if you mount in a Polyfilla "sea". I'm afraid that although I've made waterline models, by the time I've finished them I'm wanting to get onto the next one rather than spend time making them into dioramas. But I know one gentleman who makes ships at 1/384 scale (1/32 inch:1 foot), who puts all the crew on them, even though a six-foot human is 3/16 inch high at that scale!

    As to what I'm doing now: as I said above, someone gave me a Lancaster kit, so I'm trying to think what to do with it. I could make it straight from the box, or convert it to a Dambuster version, or to a York (there is a York fuselage available for this conversion), or to an ASR version with air-dropped lifeboat.

    But I want to keep my hand in with scratchbuilding ships, so I will also be trying a technique for building a model open boat, plank on frame like the real thing, using 1/32" lime sheet, and hopefully eschewing the use of plastic altogether. I have a plan for a 25 foot cutter as issued to 18th century RN warships that I will probably use.

    I talked about the model that I have just finished in this thread:
  6. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    tht sounds wonderful.

    Have to admit all this talk of models has led me to dust down a 1:72 Mosquito I've had for about 6 years on the shelf. Going to do her as factoy finish for now whilst I work out if I can then make a diorama of her sat on the pan with the service vehicles around her. May as well aim big and fail spectactularly on my first attempt at modelling in years.
  7. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    I trust its not the Airfix 1/72 scale FBVI which had a nose that was horrendously mis-shaped, and other faults such as too-narrow tyres. Having said that, it is nearly twenty years since I made that model so they may have improved it since.

    Best of luck, whatever you do!
  8. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    *looks at box*

    Oh dear.
  9. Adrian Roberts

    Adrian Roberts Active Member

    Sorry to bear bad news!

    If the nose machine guns are mounted slightly below the extreme tip of the nose, and the nose curves down from the windscreen, you are ok. But if the machine guns are on the upper curvature of the nose, and the nose extends horizontally from the windscreen before curving down (i.e. the nose is too bulbous), it may be better to get another kit.
  10. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    suffice to say i am too scared to look in the box now.
  11. DFC

    DFC New Member

    Also 144th Scale for Saturn 5 and space shuttle stuff
    Cheers Tony
  12. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Hi Spidge, My aero models are normally 1/4 scale, and flying via glow plug engines.
    At present my latest venture is a shiplap garden shed 2440 x 1600 which I am building to full scale !
    If you are interested in my home grown plans just say the word and I'll post them

    Keith DLXXXVII
  13. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Hi Spidge,
    With reference to my last post, the shed is just about finished, herewith picture.
    Electrics and garden tool fittings plus laminated floor, still to do.


    Attached Files:

  14. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    that is a very funky shed! And adrian, i have completed and detailed the Mosquito now, just deciding whether to add the decals that came with it or get different ones. and just working out its diorama in my head. Got the figures [which will drive me mental to paint] just need to get the bowser etc now. To keep me occupied am about to finish a 1:48 tornado, unfortunately half the bits are missing so its a bit of a bodge. will have to be a flyer as some of its wheels were missing, and some bombs too. Next one will be two 1:72 harriers once i get them, as i can get the decals for all harriers involved in op corporate.
  15. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Kitty's Mossie

    Hi Kitty,
    Someone has just presented me with a book entitled "Flying Colours"
    Thought these may have some interest for you.


    Attached Files:

  16. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    phwoar beautiful bird. Mine is in the 'lamp black' outfit as a night intruder. Do any of you modellers know if its possible to get individual letters in order to make her a specific mossie i want?
  17. spidge

    spidge Active Member

  18. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Hi Kitty,
    There are two places I know of and one is in Congleton out on Willow Street near Herbert Street they made the decals for a Ford Cortina I had, if they are still there !

  19. Keith

    Keith New Member

    Hi Kitty,
    Searched for and found the company I contacted to make the decals and letters for my model of the Lysander.
    They are, seem to have their listings with most model suppliers, but I went to their home site which now seems to be listed as
    Hope this helps,

  20. Kitty

    Kitty New Member

    there's a decal place in congleton? interesting. Keith are you sure about those website adresses? i can't get either of them to work

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