I have a fellow I am tracking in my family history. He served on the HMAS PENGUIN in 1943 and was discharged in 1943 as being P.U.N.S. Does anyone know what this means ???? lease:
It probably stands for "Permanently Unfit for Naval Service" - I got that by typing "P.U.N.S." and "acronym" into Google so I hope it's right. Has the member's file been digitized for reading on-line? If so it might be possible for others to look through it for clues as to his service history and what led to his discharge. If you post his details on here someone might be able to help further..... During WW2 HMAS Penguin was the home of the Balmoral Naval Hospital and served as a convalescence centre and as base for the Fairmile B Motor Launches that patrolled Sydney Harbour. Here is a link to a similar question where the member's relative was PUNS - http://ahoy.tk-jk.net/Letters/GrandfatherservedintheRAN.html
Many thanks Dave for the information you have supplied on my question. The link you supplied also answered other questions I had. I must learn how to google properly as everytime I use it I never get the answer I am after.