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Norman Wisdom

Discussion in 'Barracks' started by sniper, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Its so sad to hear that the great Norman Wisdom has passed away today. A true gentlman, professional and one of the all time great clowns. I will miss you Norman. :cc_rip:

  2. CTNana

    CTNana Active Member

    Really sad. A favourite of mine as a child, a rare treat to be taken to the pictures to see one of his films. Our children were greatly entertained by him when they were growing up and listening to our grandchildren belly laugh at those same old films is wonderful. Timeless! May he rest in peace.
  3. spidge

    spidge Active Member

    One of my first memories of British humour. I used to laugh myself hoarse just at his facial features.

    It made me think of all those comedians that have now left us but the list is too great.

    Norman, you were a marvel. Rest in Peace.

    He was the hero of Albania so I am told. His movie was the only western film allowed to be shown there.


  4. groundhugger

    groundhugger Member

    Norman a perfect Gentleman , one of the few comedians who has given me a lot of laughter and the need for change of underwear on more than one occasion
  5. Interrogator#6

    Interrogator#6 Active Member

    My first encounter with Norman was with an old copy of a annual of either the BEANO Book or a SCHOOL Companion Annual 1960. My sister was given these two books by a friend of hers. All I can remember of this English Lass (we lived in northern Ohio) was she claimed to be the second cousin of an actress from "Coronation Street" (Petulla Clark) who was later known as a singer.
  6. DRANG

    DRANG New Member

    Petula Clark started her singing career on the radio at the age of 9 in 1942. Coronation Street was first shown in 1960. As far as I know she never appeared in it. Her most recent appearance was last year. Maybe she has more to come.
  7. Alexander

    Alexander Member

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