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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Berni, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. Berni

    Berni New Member

    Hello all,
    I've joined in the hope of finding some information on thefields we bought, they are on crabmill lane by maypole Birmingham,
    We'd been told by locals the bit of a ruin there is used to be tank ramps, but i believe they aren#t but it was a ramp for an anti aircraft gun, there was apparently a barracks on the site ect as well, i'd love to know how i find out more info on it, also i'd love to see a pic of it in it's glory days, there are still the mounds from where the guns would of been ect,

    I was also told that after the war locals were housed there until the prefabs were built at druids heath for them.
    A lovely piece of history we've bought, but how/where do i find out??
  2. Sarge

    Sarge New Member


    Welcome to the forum!
  3. Kbak

    Kbak Member

  4. sniper

    sniper Active Member

    Welcome Berni,

    Not sure how you would go about it but you could invite the local archolgy team to do some test pits for you, or failing that contact the nearest university that deals with that sort of thing. They are always looking for sites to allow their students to practice.
    Enjoy the forum and keep us up to date with how it all goes, would be interested to know.

    Kind regards

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