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Mount Vernon

Discussion in 'Revolutionary War' started by Pamela Jo, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. Pamela Jo

    Pamela Jo Guest

    Has anyone visited Mount Vernon since the "Ford Orientation Center" and the "Donald W. Reynolds Museum and Education Center" have opened? I've read a few articles about the exhibits, but have not heard any first-hand reports or opinions.

    I find it to be very interesting that forensic anthropologists created the models of Washington. It must be an amazing experience to see the "real" George Washington! I've heard that one of the new films being shown at the center was directed by Ron Maxwell. Does anyone know if that's a fact?

    I'd love to hear from someone who has actually been to the Estate recently. My plan is to visit next year, if time allows.


  2. tonyt

    tonyt New Member

    I have not been to Mount Vernon in several years but do know the Ron Maxwell film was never completed .
  3. AmandaLynn

    AmandaLynn New Member

    I believe they were able to re-create GW's likeness from a life mask that was created in the 1780's. It's pretty impressive to see:

    I'd like to get to Mount Vernon, again also.

    This weekend I had the opportunity to visit his boyhood home in Fredericksburg, VA. It was here that the legend of him tossing a stone/silver dollar across the river came about. I was surprised to learn that it was the Rapahannock and not the Potomac but at least the Rapahannock seemed more realistic than the Potomac because it is not as wide.

    Civil War soldiers who were there at the time of the Battle of Fredericksburg had attempted to recreate the feat and one of them had actually documented them making the attempt. It was not successful -- no one in the unit was able to duplicate the feat. What was most interesting about that site was the fact that you could sill see remnants of an old pier about a foot or so under the water, which indicates that the river levels were much lower at one point during the Rapahannock's history. I'm not sure of the date of the pier but for sure it was not from GW's day. For well over 100 years the Washington Farm was the site of a ferry crossing, hence the pier.

  4. tonyt

    tonyt New Member

    It sounds like a Muster trip in the preplanning stage .
  5. The General

    The General New Member

    LOL. Indeed it does.

    Actually, once we've been underway for a while and I get a better sense of the participating membership, we will start planning a muster of some sort.

  6. AmandaLynn

    AmandaLynn New Member

    LOL...You can count me in! ;D

  7. markpeters

    markpeters New Member

    Another muster? :eek:

    I'm planning on attending two, next year. Anymore, and I'm going to be spending more time over there, than over here. Too many entries, and the US IR will be wanting to tax me as as a taxable resident on my worldwide assets (what there is of them). ::)

    Best wishes,

  8. tonyt

    tonyt New Member

    Then you would know what taxation without representation is .
  9. Uncle Ben

    Uncle Ben Member

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