I think you need to be at least an American citizen first. I know some people who serve under the US Air force and the US Navy who are Filipinos but they are also American citizens.
I don't think this is true, thenextGeek. I think that as long as you are a legal permanent resident, you can enlist in the US armed forces.
Question: Can a non-U.S. Citizen join the United States Military? Answer: Yes. A non-citizen can enlist in the military. However, federal law prohibits non-citizens from becoming commission or warrant officers. In order for a non-citizen to enlist in the military, he/she must first be a legal immigrant (with a green card), permamently residing in the United States. It's important to note that the military cannot and will not assist in the immigration process. One must immigrate first, using normal immigration quotas and procedures, and -- once they've established an address in the United States -- they can find a recruiter's office and apply for enlistment. This was found on this site: http://usmilitary.about.com/od/joiningthemilitary/f/noncitizen.htm