Rommel vs Montgomery.

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by blindwarrior, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. FMAlanbrooke

    FMAlanbrooke New Member

    Steed, Rommel's son revealed that Rommel was part of the July 20 plot, if he had not been wounded while being driven through Normandy he would have commanded the armies in the west after the plot or even been given some higher position in the post-hitler government.

    Diptangshu, 3rd Panzer Division served in Russia throughout 1941-43, do you mean 21st or 90th Light/15th (or even the 10th) panzer division? Rommel wasn't absent before Dunkirk, he was ordered not to procced there though 24 May 1940, his presence made no difference to the final outcome.

    Monty did not have it all his own way, Churchill was constantly prodding him to attack before October 1942 but Monty refused. Given that the initial attacks at Alamein failed it would seem that Monty was correct, he needed all the extra equipment to break through the German lines. It seems that Monty was good at training troops and organising a set-piece attack but maybe not so good at rapid armoured warfare. Of course the British were hampered in 1942 by their tank designs, tank doctrine, and (until the end of 1942) the organisation of their tank divisions

    It is intersting to think what might have happened if (A) Rommel had been allowed to retreat before the Alamein attack, as he requested and (B) if all the German troops sent to Tunisia had arrived earlier in North africa (assuming they could be supplied - so I suppose that (B) means Rommel stops at Tobruk and waits for Malta to fall before going any further, something he was ordered to do.
  2. Diptangshu

    Diptangshu Active Member

    Discussion here going 'bout practicing the better tactics by two generals.I'm just incapable to honor Monty good...Rommel bad or something like that.

    Rommel's strategy supported by Liddell Hart.Manfred's strand on P-20 remains as per Father.Rommel was against that war,started by his Supreme.On a regular basis,he used to write to Lucia 'bout the Wrongs were going .


    And one more thing I must admit that I prefer and follow a Soldier, not any Politician, who may be there.

    Rommel was extremely good to utilize in hand resources.I often think had he got his required logistics,history of Afrika-Korps may be different.I ain't getting any stuffs to go-through that Rommel ,in search of at least any magician.I don't know even how far that market garden success.Hundreds of thousand innocent[who supposed to see battle ground first time]soldiers smashed brutally there,even much before pulling out their guns.This shocked me.Enemies where ready to Experiment with there projectiles, trajectories etc...etc..

    '' .......Erwin Rommel was always with the reconnaissance troops and sometimes he cut the communication with the High Command, because Rommel realized that the High Command didn’t know about tank warfare, so he simply cut the communication . His staff criticized Rommel for his behavior and they were often unable to find out where Rommel was. In his letters to his wife Lucie, Erwin Rommel wrote that the French Campaign was a "lighting tour of France"...(7th Panzer).'

    [[Erwin (Johannes Eugen) Rommel
    The Desert Fox / Der Wustenfuchs
    (November 15, 1891 - October 14, 1944)
  3. georgew

    georgew Member

    I think WW2 generals are often lauded for their 'dashing' and 'daring' which tends to leave Monty out in the cold, especially when it come to tank warfare. Don't forget that Monty had seen the slaughter from WW1 and the Brits in general were always going to be more of a cautious breed when it came to getting the job done. Arnhem also blighted Monty's record to a degree but sometimes we need to acknowledge that whilst he may not have won all his battles, he was there when we won the war.
    Diptangshu likes this.
  4. Diptangshu

    Diptangshu Active Member

    The evidence you pointed is appreciable.Obviously Monty was a military genius,that's why Churchill went for the third alteration and it was the best for the British at their North African Campaign.

    My point of view was only dedicated 'tween Those Generals' tactics.The billion starling-pound of resources Monty spent for success,had Rommel got 1/3rd of it, Then History must be different.I personally hate Racism so I never ever think British are superior and Cossaks are inferior,Japs are better than Germans,Italians are superior than Ausis.....:confused:.I must talk about a Soldier.Defenders always try at their best.Evidence is that Rommel never ever got his required logistics.

    If you give me a score of Hunter S-marine,I sure that 100 carriers and destroyers 'll be foundered.Does it means Hunters are superior and carriers/destroyers are inferior!!Strategy played a vital role there,for which Rommel was couple of yards ahead.

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