If the Germans had won WWI would they have dominated France as the nazis did? When they did win the Franco-Prussian War why did they just go home?
Why did the Germans leave France after the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71? Because it is very difficult to conquer and RULE a hostile nation. It takes a lot of manpower and a lot of material. And Bismarck was busy trying to unify Germany rather than make the French pay.
If the Germans had won WWI would they have dominated France as the nazis did? The best I can do is it refer you to a two book study I run across. Sorry I can not think of the author just now, but the second book is entitled "The Fruits of Victory". The first book was written just prior to the Great War, while the second was published circa 1920, soon after the war. Their perspective is the economic and political realms of the issues you ask about.
I have often wondered similar things myself, I have also wondered why the Nazi's never defiled any of the commonwealth memorials/graves etc. during their occupation. I would have thought a lot of the stuff they came across would have been an effrontery to their 'supremacy'